NUTNFANCY gun reviews

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Been a subscriber to him for a couple of months and have been watching vids for more than a few months. He's a cool guy and I like the job he does with the videos.
I gotta admit, its nice to listen to someone go on, and ON, and ON for 30 minutes about guns. but I listen in the backround at work, his reviews are a little exhaustive.
He also has nice knife reviews. I know he assisted in my most recent benchmade purchase.

But yeah, sometimes he just goes on a little too much.
I've been a subscriber of his channel for about 3 or 4 months, I like how he says more than "yeah I like this gun, these are the sights, here's the trigger" crap that all the other videos seem to be out there. Some of his philosophy I don't agree with, but he knows what he's doing and I like what he has to say.
He's a pretty good source of info, very good at what he does and many like him. For my tastes personally though he gets on the soapbox way too much, and (speaking mainly of his knife videos) often speaks for 5 minutes before even getting to the product itself, talking about his "philosophy of use spreadsheets" and such. He also has reviewed several knives BEFORE using them extensively, which was my cue to hit the "X" button on the upper right hand corner, since I don't care about someone's speculative opinion about a knife they have not used for at least several hours.
He was covered in this thread as well:

He seems like a generally nice guy, with generally valid points, but I do not enjoy watching him. His reviews are better than most (once you get past the 85% that is not a review.) That Loki sniper cool guy idiot is way more entertaining (for the wrong reasons) though.

I also do not support in any way people that are in the Army that do not/cannot follow AR670-1, especially intentionally in such a public forum. I think it says something about them.
It's kind of hard to be down on this guy, as he's obviously on the "right side" of the debate and he's much more informative than 99% of the gun videos on youtube.

However...he's touching on some pretty serious topics and attempting to come accross as an authority on the subject(s) he covers, which means he deserves to be held to a higher standard than (for example) "Eddie with his dual-wielded DE .50s" or even the "chainsaw bayonette" guy (to whom I do have to give props)!

NUTNFANCY needs SERIOUS editing. Length of discussion does not neccessarily equate to VALUE of information. And he runs so far afield from the simple facts that he gets into trouble at times.

Make it a gun review, keep it factual, be consise.

That mightl keep him from making statements like (paraphrasing) "this is primarily a defensive weapon... or this could be an OFFENSIVE weapon in the hands of a police officer or a civilian sheepdog defending against "wolves"/bad guys." :eek: :banghead:

So much good info...sprinkled with nuggets of pretty serious misinformation.

So, while he gives decent reviews, I'd not direct anyone to his site because I don't want to have to diffuse / un-teach all that "sheepdog/wolf" crap.

Many times I have found myself watching his videos. However, I have become more agitated as time goes on.

You guys have hit all the points I would cover and some I did not. In one of his videos he is telling people that 'this knife is a good soldier weapon, but soldiers HATE war.' This guy is in the airforce and generally they do not Go to war. What I mean is they normally stay on the FOB or the CHUs and whine about the mortars. We in the Army dealt with the bad guys off the base who launched the mortars. I am not looking to get in a pissing contest. I am saying he is trying to speak for all soldiers when he is not a soldier.

The Point I am making is he paints himself in a corner and before he knows it he is giving bad info. In addition his view of one weapon which has become the sacred cow is ridiculous. On the subject of knives he is a wealth of information. However, on firearms not so much.

He is on the right side of the discussion but sometimes he wears out sheepdog, variety, wrol, and other misc words that are fillers. Having said that there is some info that can be gleaned from his videos.
I think maybe his more adamant fans are younger kids, and every time I have tried to post a constructive criticism they have drowned me out. Maybe if someone linked him to this thread he could engage. I mean, he clearly has the passion to improve.

I think if he followed a specific format, like this--
Product general info/specs -> product usage/testing -> discussion of results of testing -> opinions -> speculation
--he would be much better off, considering that (for me anyway) it's often very frustrating that he rambles on before even getting to the general specs or opinions on the products itself.
I think if he followed a specific format, like this--
Product general info/specs -> product usage/testing -> discussion of results of testing -> opinions -> speculation
--he would be much better off, considering that (for me anyway) it's often very frustrating that he rambles on before even getting to the general specs or opinions on the products itself.

I agree. I would probably watch them sometimes if all he did was stick to the meat and potatoes of his reviews, and leave all the other junk out. If that happened, his reviews would probably take 3-4 minutes instead of 20-30. It seems to me he is up on the editing, but not so much for staying on track.
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I agree with most here - there's definetely some good information in his gun and knife reviews, but he rambles on too much and gets on his soapbox too often.

IMO his older vids were better than his newer ones - as his popularity has increased his ego has gotten bigger and bigger, as a consequence his reviews have got longer and he gets on his soapbox more. He needs to tone it down - get back to the format of his earlier vids. IMO he's on an unenviable path of going from an ordinary shooter who posts interesting gun reviews to a self absorbed "internet celebrity".
Lt. Colonel U.S. Air Force

If that's true, then I guess my comment about 670-1 has no merit, and I apologize for making an inaccurate statement.

Can you post a link that confirms his military (AF) background?
He's a bit too mall-ninja-ee for me. I do subscribe, but I skim through his vids mostly.

Hickok45 is my personal favorite gun-you-tuber.
Shotgunjoel, nothing in there about flying in Kosovo. BTW, I also flew in Kosovo, and I've never been in the Air Force.

Omegaman, that actually does look a bit like Kosovo, but much, much, much cleaner than the last time I was there. I've heard him say his rank and pay grade before, but I am just curious if he is in the A.F. or not.

I swear I have heard him say he was in the Army, but it looks like I am mistaken in that.
Reasons I know he was in the Airforce barring what most of you have posted. For several years I lived near Fairchild Airforce Base. Which as some of you may know as the Airforce Survival School. He mentions in several videos his trot around that area. I have met many of the instructors, students and civilians dubbed Tatertots. The only guys I have seen rely on knives as much as this guy would be the the survival cadre. His emphasis on certain letters in the alphabet would lead me to believe he went to a college back east or right on the border of the midwest and east. Indicating he is most likely an officer. He trys to hide his identity, but shows POGish behavior and someone who has more than likely never been actually engaged in combat. Once again indicating AF. His Fire making skills shows he has practiced countless hours and he is damned good. His relationship with Impact...Guns is also another flag. Officers can talk the owners into giving them equipment to field test so he can give the company exposure. He has a term WROL; coined by him and receives credit from TexGrebner of utube. He uses bullets to talk through each weapon he fields pointing to the Death By Power Point the Officers slave over for briefing. He tends to wax on about what he likes as side points and looses his train of thought further pointing to someone who is not used to being interrupted.

SO you guys do what you will thats what I have come up with in the last few weeks.
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