NY Dems tell Repubs to be quiet on confiscation

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You see, it might dampen the enthusiasm for compromise. There must be great enthusiasm to compromise the Constitutional rights of gun owners in New York and they would hate to dampen such remarkable enthusiasm. That would be a bummer.
Excuses and lies from the clowns that passed these laws. No proof, just wild claims that it could have been worse if they didn't "compromise". This passed a Reupublican controlled Senate. How did they make them stay quiet? We know they didn't have any guns to put to thier heads. Lies.

Any NY'er who votes for those clowns again (Repub or Dem) deserves to be unarmed and treated like a slave. I'm ashamed of my home state, and proud I left. NY'ers shoudl be ashamed.
I don't care if there is an "R" by their name, they must all be removed from office. No excuses!
Translation: "Please be quiet about things we're doing that you oppose, since blowing the whistle on us will make it harder to ramrod these things through over your objections."

And they think preposterous requests like this are reasonable.

(And sadly, there are many members of The Stupid Party that would go along to get along.) :banghead:
A politician asking one of the other party not to do something is the surest way to make them do it.

If you don't want to make noise about something, you should be hung out to dry for it anyway. The time someone asks you to keep quiet is when you should be loudest.
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