Oakland mob video discussion.

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May 17, 2004
Many of you might have seen this video that was linked in Drudge.

It is of a woman being mobed in Oakland.

When I saw the video I thought to myself: What would I do if that was me in the car that everyone was after?

So I pose the question? What would you do if it was you that was under attack as in this situation?


What I find disturbing is that I do believe that this video is a view into our future.

The answer to this sort of thing is grape-shot.
Next time I wouldn't snitch!

Kidding... :uhoh:
I'd hop in the front seat and hit the gas. In the first few seconds of the clip, it looks like the way to the front is clear. If the keys weren't in the ignition, not much she could have done. The driver was a scumbag who encouraged her beating. He should have driven them away.

What was the outcome? Did she survive? It should have been easy to catch a lot of those lowlifes.
In a situation as dire as that, yeah perhaps a gun might not have saved her life, but my personal opinion would be that if I was in an a mob of people trying to kill me, the more mob assailants I take out with me, the better! I would rather die trying to defend my life by any means available, be it running them down, shooting them, or whatever, just think what a well used can of Bear Repellant stashed in her purse would have done to the crowd. I am sure when she left her house that morning she never expected such a thing to happen, but when do you ever expect a tragedy to happen? That is why it pays to be prepared for anything, yeah in a best case scenario you may never need to defend yourself with deadly force, but what if? Noone ever can anticipate the unknown, and in situations like that, it pays to be prepared. Unfortunately in many places the state, or local government does its best to keep people unable to protect and defend themselves, so they become completely dependant on the government and police for safe existance, but as that video has shown, the police can't be everywhere at once, and life threatening situations can develop in a second with no police, or gov't protection to be found. Which is why it is wrong to deny people the ability to defend themselves, especially using the arguement that, people don't need guns for protection, that is what the police, or military is for. Well ya know what, noone was there to protect that girl, and she had virtually no means of protecting herself. That is a shame and it is sickening to see humans acting in such an animalistic manner.
If I was armed, I would shoot the first person I could in the face. I would then get out of the car and use the car as my back cover for a moment. If anyone still approached me, I would shoot them and announce that anyone who came near me would be next. Assuming that prick driver left and took the keys with him, I would then calmly as possible walk (not run) out of there, gun at point of aim at anyone who did not run away from me (shooting them if they followed for too long) until I was away from any groups. Odds are heavy that soon, no one would continue to follow me. Then I would run. This is all about survival and I for one would not care about anything else beyond that.

Unarmed, there is virtually nothing she could have done. Even if she was some sort of black-belt bad-ass something or other, there is no way she could have done anything to defend against the inevitable. Unarmed, she would be best advised to stay out of holes like certain parts of Oakland (and any other hole across the country). You are at the mercy of any a*****e wannabe who wants to make a name for themself.

P.S. I am not trying to sound all tough or anything. I simply thought of what immediately came to my mind and typed it. It was my gut reaction and was as close to what I probably would have done as I best as I could describe it (provided I was armed, of course). Please let me know if you have a better plan.

Unarmed, I don't think there was anything she could have done.
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