Obama: doesn't want to disturb the "traditions" of gun owners?

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The first firearm I ever bought with my own money was an AR-15.
The first deer I ever killed was with an HK-91
My current deer rifle is a Saiga AK in 308 Win.

My grandfather used to use an M1 Garand deer hunting.
My father-in-law prefers the M1A.

I really don't think he has ANY clue as to what traditions ARE.

-- John
Traditions change, fundamental rights do not.

We have the right to bear arms, we don't do it as a mere tradition.

I don't come from a military or a hunting family. Guns are not really prevalent in my family. Because they're not a tradition in my household, does that preclude me from having the right to own guns? I think not.
ROTFLMAO when I think about it...

This man:

supports "traditions", instead of civil rights.

That's got to be a first, or something.
Prince Yamato,

Well said-- and I agree completely.

I just wanted to point out that whether you realize it or not, you are CREATING traditions as we speak. Heck, they have to start somewhere-- may as well be with you. :)

-- John
Link to the OP Story?

I'm trying to get a news link for the original story to convince a few "friends" obama is prejudiced and not the answer for America. But the link is to Michael Jackson... ummm.. not quite the same...
I emailed Obama and asked about his stance on gun control a few months ago. His response?

Thank you for contacting me about gun laws and the Second Amendment. Iappreciate hearing from you on this important issue. Americans broadlyagree that guns must be kept from those who may pose a threat, and that therights of legitimate hunters and sportsmen should be protected.

We must work to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of criminals orthe mentally ill through an effective background check system. We also haveto strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's rights.

I will continue to work for effective gun laws, including reinstatement ofthe assault weapons ban that the last Congress allowed to expire, andeffective law enforcement. I will also speak out against the culture ofviolence that traps so many of our young people.

In his followup to my response, he basically stated that he wanted all semiauto firearms banned.
We also haveto strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's rights.

When are these people going to get it through their heads that the RKBA is NOT about SPORTING PURPOSES.

I'm a hunter, and I get it.

-- John
Obama is an example of the politician of the future. Minimal public record the most important of which is virtually no national public record. He's a pretty face. His public national utterances for the record are minimal.

In other words he's highly spinnable. Blogs are a fact of political life. Swiftboating will be an uncontrolled feature of campaigns of the future. As bad as the public scrutiny is now, it will only get more intense. Politicians of both party who think they can control news content are sadly mistaken. It is absolutely essential for future campaigns to have unformed, highly spinnable candidates at the head of the ticket.
Obama is an example of the politician of the future. Minimal public record the most important of which is virtually no national public record. He's a pretty face. His public national utterances for the record are minimal.

For those who haven't, you MUST see the movie Idiocracy now, before it's too late.

Since the great American gun tradition looked like this progression:

Matchlock musket
Flintlock Musket
Long Rifle
Revolver (muzzle loading)
Breech loading rifle
Breech loading repeating rifle
Semi-auto pistols and rifles
Full-auto rifles and subguns (subsequently regulated out of the tradition)
Semi-auto rifles and pistols with larger magazines (In keeping with the tradition)

THe tradition is pretty easy to figure out: guns that hold more ammunition and fire it with less work on the part of the user are readily adopted. Seems to me like Mr. Obama needs to study up on traditional American gun culture.
Can someone explain to me the difference in basic policy positons between Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama ????


I didn't think so.......

And yes, I too, would love to hear about the conversation between our own El Tejon and Sen. Obama.
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IMO I think Obama may be the most dangerous person in politics right now.

I have seen people talk about how much they love him but cant give one concrete sentence about his policies or his time in office. One thing they all do is that there eyes glaze over and they say that he will give America "hope".

"Hope" for what???

I havent really gotten a coherent answer.

I "hope" for a Barretts 50. BMG and 25000 acres in South Dakota.
Saint, I have noticed something similar, ever since his speech at the 2004 DNC. First time I heard a non-reporter say the name was a pothead high school teacher who used to live next door. "How about that Barack Obama?" His look and tone said he expected me to say, "Yeah, what a great guy! I want him for President!"

I said, instead, "Another run-of-the-mill socialist leftie. No reason for me to be interested. Good public speaker, though."

The whole idea of zombie voters following a pied piper based on some nebulous "hope" frightens me, actually, because of my family background.

Some past campaign promises of "hope":

"Freedom and Bread"

"In the Third Reich every German girl will find a husband!"

Hitler offered something to everyone; work to the unemployed, prosperity to failed business people, profits to industry, expansion to the Army, social harmony and an end of class distinctions to idealistic young students, and restoration of German glory to those in despair. He promised to bring order amid chaos, a feeling of unity to all and the chance to belong. He would make Germany strong again, end payment of war reparations to the Allies, tear up the treaty of Versailles, stamp out corruption, keep down Marxism, and deal harshly with the Jews.

I pick up Chicago newspapers from time to time and he is treated like a "rock star" in Illinois.

I have even seen conservatives fall under his "star" power.

I would think that the american people would have wised up by now that when some politcian comes along and claims to have all the answers and is going to save us all that no good is going to come from it.

History hasnt taught us a blasted thing.
Traditions means I'll let you redneck buttholes shoot skeet, ducks and a whitetail. With an approved BP rifle and O/U shotgun.
Robert, I'm with Saint.

See, if either Hillary or Obama were to be elected President, the Executive Branch will be run by "insiders." With Hillary, we'll at least know who they are.

Like Carter, Obama would have neither the personal strength, worldly wisdom, political savvy, nor genuine principles that would make him strong. That strength vaccuum never exists for long, and those who rush in to fill the void are often the last people you'd want.
Gun owners are a group as diverse as America itself. We're not characterized by any demographic, political allegiance, or "culture". Gun owners are only grouped together due to their interest in firearms - and NOTHING else.
ShadowAngel said:
In his followup to my response, he basically stated that he wanted all semiauto firearms banned.

So why not post the followup like you did the original response?

And yes, I'd be very interested in El Tejon's experience too. Not because I doubt his (or ShadowAngel's) ability to parse English, but because I find it easier to convince friends of a position if I can offer them direct quotes, rather than "this guy on a web forum said he said that".
Fortunately most Americans are actually a reasonably intelligent and unanesthetized lot, and will eventually see through this grand charade. :rolleyes:
"I have seen people talk about how much they love him but cant give one concrete sentence about his policies or his time in office. One thing they all do is that there eyes glaze over and they say that he will give America "hope"."

Remember that this is the inane culture that made Paris Hilton a star. Maybe E! should cover the next debates...

But, then again, I saw that same sort of inanity last election, when lots of people (some of whom should have known better) embraced Bush a second time. Track record, political philosophy? Who cares--it's all about the "W" bumper stickers, rah rah!

"I will also speak out against the culture of violence that traps so many of our young people."

Phew! Thank goodness someone finally came up with a solution to inner-city crime. President Obama: coming soon to a ghetto near you!
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