Obama on guns in Philly radio interview

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Jul 17, 2008
Florida, bouncing between Hurlburt Fld and MacDill
Apparently Nobama was interviewed on Philadelphia's "Smerconish" radio show today or yesterday. During the interview, Nobama was asked if gun owners had anything to fear from an Obama administration. He said, "no," becuase he's a "strong believer" in the 2nd Amendment....

BUT he does support measures that benefit public safety, such as methods of tracing bullets and guns back to their purchasers.

Can you spell b-u-l-l-e-t s-e-r-i-a-l-i-z-a-t-i-o-n ?

It looks like someone on the dark side gave him a briefing on this new way to make gun ownership impractical.

Here's the link:

- - - Yoda


Look, Obama is a man who is willing to listen and adjust his point of view based on the input of his constituency. We are not a one issue country, and there are no absolutes, other than the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Even the bible is published in a number of different versions . . . subject to the interpretation of the translator.

I would rather have Barack Obama than the hate-mongers trying to convince one group of Americans that another group of Americans are traitors. The vitriol is just wrong and I am ready for it to end.

You can't defend America using Un-American tactics.
Obama's anti-gun?

Say it ain't so! And here I thought he was a fearless defender of the 2nd Amendment, what with his having served on the Board of Directors for the Joyce Foundation*, his support of laws that would punish people for defending themselves with a firearm in their own home, his support of Ted Kennedy's proposed ban on any rifle ammunition capable of piercing a Kevlar vest made to stop pistol rounds, his support for renewing the ban on so-called "assault weapons" and his statements in favor of a federal law prohibiting concealed carry.

I mean, he seems so hopeful. And he wants change. And he's such a nice guy. Surely he wouldn't lie to you about his stance on firearms!

*The biggest financial contributor to anti-gun organizations and individuals in the country.
Obama has clearly changed his public stance on gun control to get to be president but his voting record is rock-solid totally anti-guns. As a tactic to get elected, he is trying to get most gun owners (hunters and target shooters) to believe they wouldn't be impacted by his presidency by saying that he thinks some firearms are OK to use for hunting and self-defence (if you can hunt & self-defend effectively with a single-shot, long-gun that is not effective at any distance beyond 100 yds.). A very capital "B.S." on that. That is NOT what his motive is.
Unless obama changed his official website overnight....he clearly states that among other things....he plans to permanently reinstate the clinton assault gun ban and all it's nuances and close all gunshow 'loopholes' which to me means closing gunshows, since the same forms and insta check has to be done at them just the same as at a shop!

No..the guy's a snake and he will tug the party line and screw the legal law abiding gun owner....us!

I don't care for McCaine, but I love my firearms more...so he's getting my vote!

The rabbit wanted to leave his hole, the coyote standing outside told him to come on out, he's a good coyote, he doesn't eat rabbits...............yeah, right! :banghead:
You can't defend America using Un-American tactics.

Like claiming that one's child was the product of incest, or inferring that someone is tool old to use a computer when the real issue is his war injury (which even Biden thought was despicable)? How about claiming that they are basically good, but listen to the wrong people and believe in the wrong things? That the cling bitterly to their guns and religion?

Both sides are guilty of this. You want to pick sides based on what one side does and ignore what your own does, you are just as much of a problem as those you condemn.

By the way, how "American" is it to have sheriffs and prosecutors agree to use their offices to promote "your truth" as the Obama campaign set up with the "Truth Squads"?
Socialists ARE traitors to our republic, our values and our freedom. That's not hate mongering that is simple truth. What do you call someone who believes it is OK to take half of your income because you make alot? A progressive income tax is one of the foundations of COMMUNISIM!
"Closing the gun show loophole" effectively means ending all private firearms sales.
RobNDenver almost sounds like he believes what he is saying.

Trent Lott met Obama in a convention before he became a senator, and they introduced each other. Obama asked him. "You're the gun guy?" "That's right." "Well, (WAIT FOR IT,) I DON'T THINK PEOPLE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO OWN GUNS."

You believe whatever you want. I don't believe ANYTHING a candidate says AFTER they announce candidacy. Everything they did BEFORE they decided to go public with their intentions to run for office tells me all I need to know. You say he's 'flexible'? At the risk of sounding less than High Road, I guess I better say it before he's president, he's a flat out LIAR who flexes what he says publicly to get elected.

While I am HIGHLY frightened of what he could do to our rights, I don't think he will do any of it during the first term, and I don't think there will be a second. (If he DID do it doing the first term, it would be a guarantee there would be no second.)

Even if he gets a C- for his gun record, McCain actually has a track record of bipartisanship and compromise. Obama's idea of compromise is to say; "Do everything our way and we'll get along fine." Glad I squeezed it out before the thread gets locked.
Here's the link to the Obama campaign Urban Policy. See Section 7.3 line 4


The stated intent of the Obama/Biden Presidential Campaign is a permanent reinstatement (not renewable, permanent, of the failed AWB, making firearms childproof (how you can make a weapon "childproof" is beyond me), repeal of the Taihrt Amendment that keeps government from fishing around in firearms records and closing the "gunshow loophole".


* Address Gun Violence in Cities: As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.
A vote for Obama is definitely anti-gun. I don't trust McCain much more but with Palin balancing him out a bit, I will vote for McCain-Palin in 08 and Palin when she runs by herself in the not so distant near future.

What frightens me is that I think Obama really believes that he supports the Second Amendment. He supports what he sees as the only legitimate uses of firearms: hunting and target shooting (with safe, friendly rimfire and muzzle-loading firearms). He doesn't see anything wrong with prohibiting firearms for defensive purposes, because he doesn't believe that to be a legitimate use.

The idea that he really believes the garbage he's spewing worries me much more than the idea that he's intentionally deceiving us. I've said before: I fear a tyrant who's doing what he really believe is right much more than I fear one who's only after power.
What would this do to ammo costs?

It would price it out of existence (except for the gov't, which would be immune from the requirement).

Every round would be stamped with a unique identification. That's a major expense right off the bat just to produce the required machinery.

Each round would have to be tracked through every stage of production, distribution, and sale. You are vastly increasing costs as a result of the need to track the information.

The feds would have to set up a database to store the information, and staff it in order to process (theoretically) billions of rounds. Take the cost of the database they wanted to do for guns (tens of millions of dollars minimum) and increase it by an order of magnitude.

Most ammo manufacturers will rapidly find other ventures to get into, or will be bought by conglomerates who will compete for gov't contracts. There will be a paltry number of rounds sold individually to hunters, etc until even that market dries up.

People laugh at the idea of the 500% tax on ammo, but don't realize that serialization would be worse.
What frightens me is that I think Obama really believes that he supports the Second Amendment.

I seriously doubt that. I think he believes it exists, but his action shows that he doesn't support it in any way. He will ALLOW hunters to retain arms, but he doesn't believe they have a right to them.
For those voting for Obama who assert they are gun owners, are you going to write your Representatives, Senators or even the White House and declare yourselves as gun owners? Are you going to tell them that they got elected on a promise to leave the RKBA alone and they had better do it?

The rest of us will be fighting to preserve the RKBA. I was just wondering if anyone else will be.
Who cares. I'm not voting for McCain, that's for sure. If he wins we won't have any money to buy guns with anyway!
Back in the 2000 election, many lefties said that progressives should vote for Nader because there was no difference between Gore and W. Within a couple years, the left realized that there was a very large difference between Gore and W, and they really wished that Gore had won. The votes in FL that Nader picked up were greater than the difference between Gore and W -- if Nader hadn't been in the race Gore would have won.

The left certainly learned their lesson. But for some reason many on the right and many gun owners can't seem to learn that lesson.

McCain certainly isn't perfect on guns. But he is far, far better than Obama. Any assertion otherwise is bunk.

Please remember that the next president will likely nominate 3 Supreme Court justices. The vote on DC v. Heller was 5 to 4. That case has and will continue to spawn many lawsuits to interpret DC v. Heller.
On bullet serialization:
Quote: What would this do to ammo costs?
It would price it out of existence (except for the gov't, which would be immune from the requirement).

OK. Bonnie and Clyde used BARs stolen from the National Guard.
The Ma Barker gang used machineguns stolen from the US Army.
John Dillinger actually stole tommy guns from Illinois police stations.

Given that military and police have been and are signifigent (stolen) sources of crime guns (and ammo), and would presumably be exempt from serialization requirements, and given that civilian guns (and ammo) used in crime are very often stolen anyhow, serializing the civilian ammo supply would accomplish what benefit at what cost?

Barak Obama is good at telling whatever audience he is currently with whatever he thinks will appeal to their vote (he is a Chicago politician after all).

The cop killer bullet ban that Barak Obama supported specifically named .30-30 Winchester, .308 Winchester and .223 Remington as rounds that would defeat body armor and kill cops.
Code Words Alert!

methods of tracing bullets and guns back to their purchasers.
Anyone who uses this type of language is supporting not only "ballistic fingerprinting" (habitues of the forum are familiar with the "results" of such programs in NY and Canada), but also:

1. Repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which forbids release of FFL transfer data by the ATF for non-law-enforcement purposes. This repeal would allow private parties and municipal goverments to shift their strategy of suing gun manufacturers (now--temporarily--halted thanks to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act) to suing law-abiding FFLs out of existence.

2. Universal gun registration. Yup, that shotgun, too.

"Reasonable?" "Tracing?" Just more code words by the gun control groups. (My code words are "Heller," "shall not be infringed," and "from my cold, dead hands.")
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