Occupy Democrats and others believe...

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climbnjump said:
The issue of whether or not Mr. Castile actually had a carry permit is still up in the air. The Ramsey county sheriff's office issued a tweet saying that he had not applied for one so one had not been issued. However, he also lived for a time in Hennepin county and may have obtained one there. So far, Hennepin county will neither confirm or deny the existence of a permit.

It is now being reported that Mr. Castile did have a CCW permit.
Did the NRA weigh in on the killings of Erik Scott or Jose Guerena at all?

Smart PR would have been to promptly issue a statement saying conditionally that that if the victim did in fact have a carry license and was shot while trying to follow instructions, it would be a matter of deep concern, and that they are standing by for verified details.

Remaining completely silent played into the hands of the antis, IMO. The NRA needs to realize that they are no longer dealing with a 24 hour news cycle.

BTW, was it in Minnesota a couple years ago that some police chief stated he was going to tell his officers to shoot CHL holders if they made even the slightest mistake? I wish I could find that article. And what state was the officer who blew his top at the CHL holder trying to notify him, and threatened to kill him?

Chicago. The former chief of police said that.
BTW, was it in Minnesota a couple years ago that some police chief stated he was going to tell his officers to shoot CHL holders if they made even the slightest mistake?
I remember Mark Walters (on the AAC podcast) reading similar statements from a sheriff in Florida - since Mark once lived in Florida, he spent quite a bit of time talking about said sheriff.

Don't remember the sheriff's name or what county.
It is now being reported that Mr. Castile did have a CCW permit.

Yes, I saw that yesterday as well. But it is still unofficial and based on an anonymous source. We'll find out for sure eventually I suppose.

It took quite some time for all the facts to come out in the Ferguson, MO case and that will probably be the same here. Also remember, that most of the early "eye witness" accounts in Ferguson were proven to be either lies or fabrications. (Hands up, don't shoot!)

Mr. Castile's girlfriend stated that they were pulled over for a broken tail light. That is false - the vehicle did not have a broken tail light proven by video taken at the scene. Police scanner audio of the stop states the officer was stopping them because the driver matched the description of an armed robbery suspect.

She also stated that the cops did nothing medically to help Mr. Castile after he was shot. That is also false based on video of several cops performing CPR on him at the scene.

I would guess that those are only the first parts of the story to unravel and there will be more to come.

Mr. Castile's family has responded to the police scanner audio as proof that Mr. Castile was being racially profiled. I suppose that is "stupidly correct". Would it make sense for the cop to stop a white or Hispanic or Asian person if the robbery suspect was black?
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Looking back I'd bet a lot of people wish they would have withheld comment or support of George Zimmerman.
Until there is documentation of Castile having a permit in good standing I think the NRA is wise to withhold a statement.

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Looking back I'd bet a lot of people wish they would have withheld comment or support of George Zimmerman.
Until there is documentation of Castile having a permit in good standing I think the NRA is wise to withhold a statement.

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I wouldn't. Zimmerman may be a total loser of a person but he legally defended himself.
Yes he was a loser and his behavior since has been less than stellar. He became the face of the armed citizen for months. I'm just saying the NRA doesn't need to publicly defend or endorse any gun owner and they should pick and choose those who will carry the ball toward the goal.

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Yes he was a loser and his behavior since has been less than stellar. He became the face of the armed citizen for months. I'm just saying the NRA doesn't need to publicly defend or endorse any gun owner and they should pick and choose those who will carry the ball toward the goal.

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I get what you are saying now, and I agree. While Zimmerman may have been in the right in that single situation, he is hardly who we want representing gun owners.
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