october deer scents

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Dec 15, 2011
i've read estrus is a bad idea that early so what are some of your preferred scents for an early to mid October hunt?
If I was going to use an attractant scent in early October in the Midwest, I'd use either acorn or wild grape. Odds are I'd have more luck hunting where there are acorns and/or wild grapes. Around here High bush cranberries are a good spot iffin you can find em.
Those young bucks would absolutely be interested in estrous scent in October. They aren't quite sure of the "routine", and they're ready as soon as their velvet is gone.
But I'm sure none of us want to shoot a young buck, so if you feel you need to use scent in early October, you might want to stick to the taste bud driven ones.
vanilla extract on a wick or something.look and experiment with food extracts available at the food store.way cheaper than dealing with expensive scents.you can make your own pop up type dispensers.if you should spill it in the vehicle,won't stink as bad.
bring the wife and or g/f
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200 Proof for all season.

I have seen bucks chasing doe the first week of October and have used Buck Stop 200 Proof for years. Never had deer spook from it. In fact, I have seen deer go out of their way to sniff it. My only problem is finding it locally. I have to google the online archery sites to find it.
curt,amazon.com or just google it.order a couple and you get free shipping
Thanks D,

I buy it by the case since I have converted several friends. One of my hunting pals had a son that had his doubts. When we finally talked him into trying it he became a firm believer. He had a buck trail him to his stand and lick the bottom rung of his ladder.
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