Ode to the P7M8

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"a peculiar geometry that makes it just about unsuitable for IWB carry, since most of the gun's weight is in the grip."

Not an issue with the right rig....Delaftti ISP-LP shown...
"With the exception of the slide catch and take down buttons, every model of the P7 is completely ambidextrous."

I too tried to like it and couldn't.

Then again, I can't warm up to the 1911 either.

I'm a heretic.

You aren't the only one. I went through four P7M8's and one PSP before I decided that it wasn't the gun for me (or my wife).

I still don't own a 1911. I keep thinking about buying one, but every time I shoot someone else's, it reminds how "odd" the pistol feels in my hand. I just can't get used to the grip safety and have problems keeping it depressed.

Hmmnn, maybe that's the common demoninator? Maybe I just don't care for guns that require me to squeeze anything but the trigger?

Nah, that can't be it. I don't like the Glock much either...

Guess I'm just a heretic too, from all the big gun churchs. (The CZ and Mak are just small-time religion compared to the P7 Cult and the *ONE TRUE CHURCH* of the 1911. I do like the High-Power though, so maybe I'm A "Browning Reformed."
My main issue with the P7 is the fact that I only own one...and I think my wife just stole it.

"Hey, this thing is pretty nice!"

Of course, it was well worth it to hear her fumble the term "squeeze cocker" in front of her parents. ;) :D

"Its a cock squee- no. No, wait."


Also, as to the ambidextrousness (ambidexterity?) of the P7 line...

Neither of the two non-ambi controls are ones that you would need to operate in any sort of serious situation. One is the take-down button and the other is the slide catch. The first is only used when field-stripping the gun; not something I do in a gunfight or a gun game (though, admittedly I've never been involved in the former). The second is only used when locking the slide open, not when it is released. To release from slide lock you just squeeze the cocking lever, which is completely ambi. Furthermore, both of them are in positions where it is easy for a lefty to manipulate them, anyway. *shrug*

This is unlike, say, a gun with an external safety, mag release or decock lever, all of which might non-ambi.

Its awesome. Super accurate with the fixed barrel. Every newbie I let try it out instantly shoots better with it...its clearly the equipment.

For me, it can be brought to bear VERY fast. You can't miss the safety since...its the grip!

Perceived recoil is very low.

Only drawback is the finish...not sweat resistant.
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