Of course we should give the Feds more power....

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Jeff White

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Alma Illinois
Muslim Man Claims Federal Officials Wanted Him to Infiltrate Islamic Center
January 14, 2004
Police Allegedly Falsified Report to Force His Cooperation

The U.S. Attorney's Office Wednesday dismissed weapons charges against a St. Louis man who claimed he was set up by police so federal officials would have an informant in the Islamic community.

Last fall, Abu Bakr Ladd was arrested as a felon in possession of a firearm when a police raid turned up a pistol and two .22 rifles inside his North St. Louis home. But Ladd, who said he was only trying to protect his family in one of the city's toughest neighborhoods, also argued that the search warrant was based on a fabricated police report, which said a patrol officer had spotted Ladd dealing drugs on September 19th.

"According to the report, that officer came on duty at three in the afternoon," Ladd told KMOX News. "At that time, I was either in Kentucky, or on the highway driving to Kentucky for a family reunion."

When he produced travel receipts confirming his alibi, Ladd says the U.S. Attorney's office offered to drop the gun charge, which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison, if Ladd would infiltrate the St. Louis Islamic Center. Ladd refused.

The U.S. Attorney's office is limiting comment on Ladd's case to the facts contained in court filings. The St. Louis Police Department has not yet responded to KMOX's request for comment on Ladd's claim a detective falsified a report.
pfffffftttt.....child's play. I know it doesn't get much play nationally but you should hear some of the stuff the Feds have been caught doing in Boston over the last 30 years up till a couple years ago.
Well, I just wonder whatthe criminal record is of this fine upstanding citizen who's rights are bring trampled on.
I'm sure he probably doesn't have a clean record. His record isn't the point. The point is, that we don't make up stories to get search warrants so we can deliver an informant up to the feds. We don't do it to the Charles Mansons of the world nor the Sweet Polly Purebreds....

Either all of us have rights or none of us do... it's that simple. It's things like this incident that make everyone distrust their government. Those responsible should do the prison time the guy they tried to frame could have gotten.

You don't solve crime by doing criminal things.

Hmmm... set someone up for a firearms violation, then use that as pressure to get the guy to turn snitch...

Anybody heard of a place called Ruby Ridge?
Blackcloud6, help me out. I can't see the relevance of his police record, if any. Can you tell me what that relevance is?

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