Of War

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f=ma -

The USG does lotsa things with tax dollars offensive to lotsa tax payers. It's a republic; those in office decide where it goes; you have no more right to determine where it goes than I do.
One of the many problems with tax-supported republics. But let's not get any more off the topic; I'm always happy to discuss the evils of taxation via PM.

WMD/terrorist aide/abetting aside, Iraq has been a significant destabilizing force in the Middle East for many years.
I'm sure you read my opinion on Iraqi WMDs. As for aiding and abetting terrorism, sure. What terrorist actions against the United States has the Iraqi gov't aided/abetted, who in ther government did it, what evidence indicates this, and where did the evidence come from?

I've read a great deal about the Iraqi-international terrorism connection, and I remain unconvinced. I suspect that many people, in the gov't and out, are using the terrorism card to cover other reasons.*

And anything disruptive to the natural resources we depend on as the life blood of our industrial base (yes, the evil O.), can be identified as a threat to our interests/way of life.
What's evil about oil? I like oil. But attacking another soverign state in order to claim their natural resources is just theft on a national scale.

Not to mention the fact that he tried to off a former US President.
Right, the assassanation plot against Bush I. I might agree with you that some type of retaliation would be warranted if an attack against the president were actually made. But as far as I have read, the plot never went anywhere (in fact, there is some question about whether the plot even existed in the first place, but assuming it did...)

Wow. I guess there's not much point in going any further.
Okay, so you have some knowledge that Saddam Hussien is a lunatic? That he has suffered a major break from reality? That he has a low IQ? What?

I'll repeat, Saddam is a brutal dictator. Probably, he's a paranoid sociopath. But I'm not willing to entertain the suggestion that he is stupid enough to think that he can order the use of chem/bio weapons without a crushing response, nor that he is insane enough not to care.

- Chris
Not exactly High Road material here.

Closed for ad hominem attacks.

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