Oh No! Another Open Carry Story.....

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I like the way you preface insulting the guy for open carrying by saying you support his right to do so. If you think people who OC are simply begging for attention and are all wannabe tough guys you don't have to insult the guy. What you are offering is your opinion of people who OC, and nobody asked. Apparently when somebody creates an OC thread you see it as an opportunity to make fun of them. Can you even see the high road from down there?

The great majority of "open carry drama" stories posted here and pretty much every other place on the internet have a theme. As we speak there are at least three "OC drama" stories floating around this place.

They all start with a person carrying in a place that it would be unusual to find a random person carrying a gun. The person is then getting questioned by local law enforcement and feels put upon, upset, violated or denied in some way.

To no one's suprise, the OC supporter is stopped and questioned by an LEO. He/she is offended at the prospect of being questioned and tries to engage the officer is some unwanted discourse on why he/she has every right to wander the streets with a gun in plain sight.
well, i'm glad to say my "open carry stories" are few and far between. for the most part, most people don't notice, or care. which, by the way, is fine. as i said, i carry a gun everywhere, so locations are irrelevent, except for the visualization for the reader.if you read my story, you'll see i was neither put out upset or offended by the deputies. i was only mildly amused.

The OC supporter professes to know the law better than the LEO in question and has never thought to carry a copy of whatever local or state ordnance supports their position. Why would this be handy? Most LEO's do not know every one of the thousands of laws they are charged with enforcing by heart and this is a good way to get them informed. This is a better way than the OC supporter whining about his/her god given rights to open carry in Denny's.
i don't profess to know the law better than any LEO, i only profess to know the law. it's not my fault if they don't know it. i normally do have a pamphlet or two, i just didn't have one that day. i left them home, behind my shiny CCW badge. and I HATE DENNY"S!!!!

In the end, the OC supporter runs home to post the latest drama on the internet.
nah, i waited 'til the end of the day.

The rest of the world expects the LEO to at least ask why a man wearing a gun and petting a rat is hanging out in the parking lot.
you're hung up on rat thing. rodentphobe?

Crime in this country is at an all time low or close to it. The instances of women being attacked at their kids soccer games and of men being attacked while taking their kids to see the doctor are probably at an all time low as well. On the other hand, the instances of crazed men/women walking into a church, mall, store or school and shooting people for no earthly reason are occuring someplace in America every week.
and i'm sure those loonies walk around with holstered weapons to warn us.

If the instances of someone "legally" openly carrying a firearm in an urban area are not much higher than instances of someone engaging in criminal behavior with a firearm in an urban area, why would you expect the cops to ignore you?
i don't expect anything, except for the police to know the law, or at least not try aand make it up as they go along.
pbearperry, perhaps you can articulate just how excatly you reached the conclusion that the simple act of wearing a visible holstered sidearm is analogous to going around saying "F*ck off to people? And why would that reasoning not extend to police or security guards?
The 19th century has come and gone and a guy carrying a gun openly in an urban area is not very common.

If you engage in behavior that is out of the ordinary, expect to be questioned by the people you pay to monitor society for out of the ordinary behavior.

No, I expect those whom I pay to track down and apprehend lawbreakers to question those who are engaged in illegal behavior or whom they have reason to believe have committed a specific crime already.

Bothering people about uncommon, but LEGAL, behavior is not part of legitimate law enforcement. There is no law permitting a police officer to arrest a person for a crime he thinks that person might commit in the future.

We in the United States of America are citizens of a free country, not subjects under a police state. There is a difference.
true story: in Conn a test was held for applicants to the police and this one applicant was turned down because he got a 90 on the test.he was over qualified he was told and they only hired applicants that got 60%.if that is true allover does that tell you something.
If this is the same story that I read, it was in New London, and judge upheld their right to disqualify applicants who scored too high on an IQ test. Google it, I know it sounds crazy, and it is, but unfortunately, it is true.
I thought the dialogue was pretty funny. Maybe they didn't wanna detain you because of your furry sidekick.

that's the point i was trying to make, how funny and ridiculous the whole thing was. i never got defensive or offended or anything. carrying a pet rat during the whole ordeal just made the whole situation even weirder, and funnier, because he was licking the inside of my ear for most of the time.
The folks in Ct. in relation to not wanting to make cops out of the top scorers was because they felt they would get bored of the job too soon.They also felt that they were under achievers.Were they right or were they wrong?Who knows?From what I read on the subject,the test was quite difficult.People that scored 80% were def. not morons,but hey,it's much more fun twisting the facts.
well, if i'm going to open carry a rodent, i might as well get a capybara. they're too big to conceal, but for open carry, they're perfect. when i have to conceal, i think gerbils are ideal....:eek:
Gerbils!! :eek: My, we're going from the low-road to beneath the road!! :uhoh: ;)

Been open carrying on and off for the better part of three years in gun-unfriendly and urbanized Northern Virginia (Fairfax/Arlington/Prince William Co.). I have no desire to tell people to [bleep] off, I have no desire for sidewalk debates on constitutional law with cops, and I have no need to show people what a big shot I am. I am not a vigilante or a trouble-maker. And you know what? I have not one single untoward event to report while open carrying. Imagine that.

I open carry because it offers convenience, comfort, accessibility, and because it is perfectly legal. I try at all times to be a worthy ambassador of legal firearms ownership and, by my example, for open carry.

Rather than making snotty, peurile references to Trekkies and mall ninja's, y'all might give it a try. Or at the very least, stop revealing your ignorance and personal biases.
I open carry because it offers convenience, comfort, accessibility, and because it is perfectly legal. I try at all times to be a worthy ambassador of legal firearms ownership and, by my example, for open carry.

this answer is full of win.
I am constantly amazed at the division amongst ourselves. Those who rant and rave about open carry amaze me. How can anyone experience the castigation we all have noticed about being a gun owner and then, as a gun owner, castigate someone for the desire to open carry? Isn't this a tad hypocritical? Doesn't it seem a little strange to stand up for firearm freedom, yet deride another person for how they wish to express it?

I firmly believe the reason it isn't completely legal to openly carry a gun anywhere is because of the division WITHIN OUR OWN RANKS. The reason the general public is so afraid of guns is bacause they rarely get an opportunity to witness a responsible everyday citizen carrying one. Yet, how can they when the very gun owners they fear believe in only carrying concealed, and deride anyone who wants to express that freedom openly?Isn't it wrong to believe in firearms freedom for all (but only in a manner I approve of)?

This isn't really firearms freedom is it?
hopefully they will spread the info

Uhhh, yeah. That's whats gonna happen.



G R I N.


Open carry in a holster isn't "brandishing" nor is it "showing".

Cops ARE civilians.

The Cop should determine if anything illegal is happening or has happened. If not, the fellow or lady open carrying the firearm should be LEFT ALONE! The complainant should be warned about making calls for the police when there is no genuine reason for it.


Bingo! Thank you again, P.R., and to the others here. You took the words right out of my mouth.

If you engage in behavior that is out of the ordinary, expect to be questioned by the people you pay to monitor society for out of the ordinary behavior.

Questioned... detained.... disarmed...

Nothing like totally obeying the law and being harassed and falsely arrested... I didn't know it was illegal to act "out of the ordinary"
I don't need to open carry. I consider concealment one of my advantages. But if I didwant to open carry, I would surely expect a Law Enforcement Officer to question me, whether the state allows open carry or not.

This is the price we pay - Law Enforcement Officers are sworn to uphold the law, and if a state does not condone open carry, then DO NOT open carry.

My question then is - why is open carry important.
This is the price we pay - Law Enforcement Officers are sworn to uphold the law, and if a state does not condone open carry, then DO NOT open carry.

Open carry is not illegal in many states. There are no laws against it, so what law are they upholding?

One argument for OC is to show people that guns aren't bad, that your nice next-door neighbor who just helped you carry your groceries in feels that his family's safety is important too. It shows that not only bad people and police carry guns. It can also spark some very educational conversations for people.

Carrying guns needs to "come out of the closet"

Also, open carry is MUCH more comfortable to carry a full size pistol. And if it's 100% legal, why not? Because you might get hassled or illegally detained by ignorant LEO's? It's not my fault they don't know the laws they're supposed to enforce. I could help their budget get a little lighter next year :)
If you engage in behavior that is out of the ordinary, expect to be questioned by the people you pay to monitor society for out of the ordinary behavior.

I don't know about you, but I don't expect the police to "monitor society for out of the ordinary behavior". I expect the police to enforce the laws. Not make up laws. Not react against perfectly legal behavior just because they might not like it.

Don't you know that you are free to engage in "out of the ordinary behavior"? It is called "freedom". Give it a try. it is truly "liberating".

I have the pleasure of living in a state where open carry is both legal and common. I don't always carry openly, but when I do I don't have any problems. In fact, most people don't even notice.
The OC supporter professes to know the law better than the LEO in question and has never thought to carry a copy of whatever local or state ordnance supports their position. Why would this be handy? Most LEO's do not know every one of the thousands of laws they are charged with enforcing by heart and this is a good way to get them informed.

Oh, come on--think about the logic here. As you point out, the job of LEOS is to enforce thousands of laws. Perhaps, then, they should spend their time enforcing those and not laws that DO NOT exist. In PA there is no law against open carry. Since that is the case, it is not the LEOs' job to hassle the the OP about carrying a firearm openly. It is their job to bust him when he drives over the speed limit, or commits assault, or jaywalks. Until then, they should leave him alone except to politely wish him a nice day.
Look, let's be logical for a minute. There are lots of behaviors that are perfectly legal that will get you questioned by the police. Let's say that some guy in your neighborhood likes to walk down the street wearing nothing but a big diaper, bonnet and carrying a big rattle, occasionally falling down and bawling his eyes out. Are you going to call the cops on him? It's perfectly legal as long as he's on the sidewalk, right? Sure it makes you uncomfortable, but it's his constitutional right and you should just deal with it.

they should leave him alone except to politely wish him a nice day.

Don't you know that you are free to engage in "out of the ordinary behavior"? It is called "freedom". Give it a try. it is truly "liberating".

Nothing like totally obeying the law and being harassed and falsely arrested... I didn't know it was illegal to act "out of the ordinary"
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