On "Timmy" and other new members

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Jan 14, 2011
upper midwest
I do not want this to be a "let's all pile on Timmy thread", but I have an observation that may be worthy of opening a new thread.

The other side is already promoting fake polls that state "(some really high percentage) of NRA members support reasonable gun control such as (some unreasonable proposition)". The NRA, and others, are attempting to debunk these fake surveys, but the media is not on our side.

There is a possibility that some of these new posters, such as Timmy and his ilk, are here to appear reasonable (stating some ridiculous initial position, then appearing to be persuaded to a slightly less ridiculous, but still plenty unreasonable position) so that the anti-gunners can later point to a thread on the highroad and say: "Even pro gun newsgroups have discussions where many agree that XXXX is reasonable" or "Many/most gun owners agree that the law should be changed to YYY".

I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is, but wanted to point out that it [strike]is[/strike] might be happening and we should respond accordingly. Accordingly is a pretty fine line, we don't want to bully or continue to beat a dead horse (which isn't the highroad anyway, but some of us frequent other groups also). On the other hand we can't just ignore a few posters and their sock puppets and allow them to pretend to reach a consensus where everybody agrees to the next compromise.
I've been long on record here as believing that there is an organized fifth column and disinformation campaign being waged in the internet by false flag operators and Quislings such as AHSA.

Their problem (and our salvation) is that we're nowhere near as stupid as they think we are. Not only can't they be bothered to tell a plausible lie, they can't be bothered to tell a lie worthy of a mentally fit adult. Instead, they lie to us as though we were developmentally disabled children, then are simply astonished when we don't just believe whatever they tell us.

As I've said previously, they're here for two reasons:
  1. to spread disinformation and bamboozle gun owners into supporting the ultimate goal of them not BEING gun owners.
  2. to create the illusion of support for disarmament by gun owners.
They're failing MISERABLY at both goals.
I was recently given a rifle by a "gun owner". The guy shot the gun once, it's a bolt action and he didn't like hunting. The guy is also a strong Obama supporter and is most likely all for appearing reasonable to his liberal friends.

In fact the guy moved to Mexico and is not a "gun owner" anymore.

I own a TV but it's not a big part of my life. Banning TV broadcasts, banning cable TV, banning sattelite - none of it would impact me enough to really matter.

A lot of folks are that way with cars. They're ambivalent at best because they have subways, taxi etc.

I don't care for AR style rifles, yet I strongly work to try to keep you folks who want them free. A lot of folks are really not willing to sacrifice to help out someone else -- it's all about them.

The guy who gave me the rifle? A union worker with great $$ pay and benefits right?? He fusses about having to pay for 2 weeks vacation for his subsistence level gardener. Do you really expect any help on the gun issue from him?
It really doesn't matter how many of "them" come here and ask questions or post sentiments against RKBA. In fact, the more the merrier. Our members have routinely handled all such inquiries and efforts with great facility and, I'm proud to say, a healthy dose of politeness and forbearance. (Sometimes with a little help here and there ... ;))

The real risk is that we call out folks like Timmy and react with great hostility, when they are clearly and admittedly coming here as antis asking questions and looking for an education. They may not be ready to accept all aspects of the education they receive here, but part of our job is to be ambassadors to the antis and the undecideds.

If all we can do when someone challenges our beliefs is to get angry, paranoid, and hostile, we're just utterly failing.

So, I say bring 'em on.
He heard what he wanted to hear on the topic of an AWB and changed his stance completely. He's now against it.
But he claimed he did not hear ANY positive proof that would make the idea of a ban on "high capacity" mags sound unreasonable.

He majored in Political Science but still doesn't comprehend the Bill of Rights.
There are a lot of new folks on gun forums doing exactly what Timmy did. I thought from the get-go Timmy was a phony.
Last I heard he said he didn't want "high capacity" magazine bans either but just registration and background checks now.
Quite frankly, I find "them" (the trolls sent here by the 'other side') and their lack of success to be extremely entertaining- especially when they get their heads handed back to 'em on a platter by our rank and file.

There is a certain satisfaction to seeing their emotionally-charged arguments put down with so little effort.
People hear what they choose to hear, all we can do is answer a question with an accurate and true answser as far as we know it to be. these types will go elseware if they get reasonable answers, they eventually see that we aren't a bunch of illeterate yahoos, and move on.
The Timmys of the world have a different agenda, other than common sense, and honoring our Constitution, they march to a different drummer.
There are too many different types of people who our against our way of life in order to lump them all together, all we can do is be honest.
There are a lot of new folks on gun forums doing exactly what Timmy did.
Considering that new gun control moves are all over the news right now, that seems completely expected. Nothing nefarious about that.

I thought from the get-go Timmy was a phony.
Oh good grief...a phony? He said he was largely anti-gun and in favor of a lot of gun control right in his introductory post. You think he was a phony? So...you really believe he's a closet gun-nut who came here to pretend to be an anti with questions? :scrutiny:

When the mods said to take a break for couple of days from that thread, I listened and went away for 3 days.
I guess Timmy posted some more after I left.
Our mission at THR is to show people who are not dedicated Antis (those with closed minds and agendas regardless of facts) the truth. We show them gunowners are reasonable people that are aware of the facts and dedicated to the freedoms guaranteed to all people by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and that we are not ignorant, knuckle dragging, immature thugs with anger control problems that everyone should not trust with a firearm that the Antis paint us as being.

We exist to persuade others that there's no basis in fact for the claims of the Antis and that we're the sort of people they can trust and depend upon to provide sound information and advice.

This is why we all pledge upon our honor to uphold the rules to be civil in our interactions, swear off swearing, vulgarity, profanity, insults, and attacks upon the person we're debating. We can disagree on the facts without being disagreeable with each other.

Since we have people that don't completely understand or agree with our position on RKBA show up from time to time to ask questions or even debate RKBA it especially is important to not be drawn into breaking our rules and reinforcing the position by the hard core Antis that we aren't reasonably mature people. Even when baited, we have the opportunity to show the entire world that we are the mature and reasonable ones.

Every word we post is on behalf of the 2A and RKBA and helps people who've only seen/heard/read the propaganda by the Antis understand they've been lied to and manipulated. Don't forget that when you're frustrated and angry and about to hit "SEND" that you are either going to help or hurt our cause with the words you post.
Are we scared of them coming here? If we are correct in our beliefs (which I think we are) then we have no reason to be concerned? Are you ashamed of your stance? Do you want to hide?

Just be respectful and true and there is nothing to be worried about
I am in favor of "Timmy's" being welcome here. Some would call him a troll. But he never said he was pro-gun and actually read and responded what people posted which is more than a lot do it seems. He responded based on how he felt on the issues.
Nothing wrong with having Timmy and his kind here. I've started posting on Huffington and I wish others here did to. For one thing it is unhealthy to be around only people who agree with you.
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