on yesterday's House hearings

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
People who weren't able to view yesterday's web cast might find the foowing of interest.

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

February 16, 2006

JPFO ALERT: The Farce on Capitol Hill

For those who were unable to watch the BATFE Congressional
Hearings, JPFO has an audio recording available for
download at www.jpfo.org/batfehearings.htm . We anticipate
aquiring a transcript of the hearing by early next week.

Despite the ostensible purpose of the proceedings -- to
investigate allegations of abuse by ATF agents -- a fair
amount of airtime was spent on the subject of private sales
at gunshows, or "closing the gun show 'loophole'." One
firearms dealer suggested all private sellers be required
to retain a copy of the purchaser's ID, while a Congressman
suggested requiring background checks on all private
purchases. One must question why our leaders find the
private sale of firearms so worrisome...and what they
intend to do about it.

Some additional quotes from the hearing:

"'The problem is 90% black.'" - Annette Gelles (Owner,
Showmaster Gunshows), quoting ATF agents

"Under 30 and black, that's what they're looking for." -
Susan McCoombis (private investigator)

"'We have to do some [residency checks on white buyers]
or we'll catch flack.'" - Susan McCoombis, quoting ATF
agents at Richmond gun show

"Every woman who comes to my table to buy a firearm is
automatically a straw purchaser." - John White (gunsmith)

"I find it very difficult to believe ATF agents were
engaging in racial profiling!" - (Congressman, name

At the end of the hearing, Chairman Roble mentions that the
ATF will be present at a subsequent hearing on the 28th to
answer questions. It is interesting to note, however, that
the Congressional calendar shows no events listed for the
28th, ATF-related or otherwise. Will this future hearing be
public, or a closed-door "inquiry" that is nothing more
than a farce?

Download the file, listen to it, and distribute it widely.
Ask yourself, "Do my representatives really represent ME?"
And then ask yourself, "Aren't I ready for a Bill of Rights
culture?" ( http://www.jpfo.org/borculture.htm )

- The Liberty Crew


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