One in the Chamber?

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One in the pipe

Most certainly carry one in the pipe.

To quote the movie Sleuth:
"Is that loaded?"
"Of course, what would be the use of it otherwise?"

  1. Time to load one in the chamber is forever if you need to use the gun, regardless of what anyone says, it is an eternity. Remember, you also have to draw, aim, and fire. Simple math will show that loading a round equals four steps instead of three and thus also means more time. Add into the equation the potential problems you may have loading (i.e. jamming) during the rush and the time factor goes up exponentially.
  2. You lose one extra round you'd otherwise have. Regardless of the arguments (stupid arguments IMHO) people have for not needing more than X number of bullets, why not carry the number your firearm can hold?
  3. Don't the police carry with one in the pipe? If any police here carry without one in the pipe while on duty, please let us know where you work so I can make sure I don't live there.
  4. Perhaps the best reason, do you feel lucky? I know I don't, so I carry one in the chamber. If you feel like you're that fast, that good, and that lucky that you don't need to carry one in the pipe, I recommend you visit Vegas with your entire life's savings. Put it all on number 7 black at the roulette table.

Most of the arguments people have made to me for not carrying one in the pipe are variations of, "I'll never be able to remember firearms safety, so I should make sure I don't keep one in the pipe so everyone is safe." For those people, I suggest you sell your guns for your safety and ours. Tasers and pepper spray may be more suited to your level of ability.

Ultimately, it comes down to removing as much uncertainty and chance as I possibly can for a situation which already has infinite permutations / factors I cannot control. Since I know that, I should do all I can with the factors I can control. One in the pipe is a factor I can control.
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