One never knows ...

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
One never knows the when or where of next encounter - CRSam

Sam my friend , yes I believe this,and I am often criticized for thinking the way I do. Outside the box, and using my brain. Well the best I can anyway.

I live in an apartment on the 3rd floor. My bedroom has a patio which leads onto a small balcony. I basically have a wooded area between me the houses out back over yonder...most of which is a ravine. Meaning it is a l-o-n-g way down. I keep a rope inside in the event a fire breaks out and I cannot leave through my front door...I will go over the balcony.

I keep the patio locked when away. Since I know how weak these patio doors are, I have drilled holes top and bottom of door into tracks so when gone long nails inserted into these holes prevent door from being lifted off tracks. If I choose to leave open a wee bit on a comfy night, I put the nails in top and bottom in a the other set of holes I drilled for such a purpose.

Habits learned from being in a former business. Same reason I carry on person while at home. I do some other stuff I learned as well...

I know what you are thinking - Steve is nuts, he is 3 floors up over a ravine and anything a human will do - will be via front door.


About an hour ago I am on the phone in front room making appointments.
I hear a knocking on my back patio door. Not birds, squirrels, or bees banging into glass, human hands literally knocking on my patio.

Then I hear human voices...

I have two teenage girls on my back deck, scared to death and shaking like leaves. This is not about Darwin Awards...I have already had my talk with the adults...I believe a "come to Jesus meeting" followed very soon after I "escorted" the young ladies to where they belonged.

Teenage boy decides to lock the girls outside on the deck because he is grounded and not supposed to have company. He had forgotton the time. Mom shows up and is in trouble. The girls are left on their own...

Teenage boys keeps curtain closed and Mom snags him to run to grocery locks the front door, patio is still locked...girls are stuck.

The girls "alley oop" to the balcony below where they are, onto 2nd floor using a towel on the balcony from where stuck. It is LOT farther down to first floor. So that neighbor is gone on the second floor. Trees have been trimmed so that option is out. Using the towel and now a pc of garden hose tied to a aluminum lawn chair they get the chair to wedge onto railing and they swing out to the apt below mine. My downstairs neighbor has moved, the apt is vacant.

Climbing up the downspout they arrive at my back patio. Dangerous as can be, still they did it.

So yeah, I carry on person while home. I have always because of real life experience been aware of entering and leaving preimises and answering doors.

One never knows...
Steve .. I know you've seen me post this .. a boring number of times - but I'll keep on hammering it till I expire .......

''Don't assume''

''Expect the unexpected''.

These two lil' phrases cover most bases ... and it doesn't mean a need for walking paranoia .. just the awareness that sh*t happens when least expected .... and from maybe too the least obvious direction.

I try my best to apply these daily . and they are good maxims when riding a bike too ... in part it means the same as being defensive ... expecting attack and knowing what action could be taken.

Like you, and despite where I live and working from home ... I carry every waking hour... period.!! Chance of trouble? Near zero.

Guarantee of no trouble ever?? Not possible! Even tomorrow - carries no guarantees!:p
Two teenage girls (18 or over I'll assume) and you're complaining??!!
Why does that scene from Animal House come to mind:
"Girl in Playboyboy Bunny suit flys thru window - young boy says 'Thank you God!!":D
My point of posting and what bears out :

-One never knows...

-Adapt , Improvise, and Overcome one's mind and physical enviroment to not be in caught in condition white.

-Young ladies just finished Sophmore year of HS, if these young ladies can figure out how to get out of a sticky situation , then it re-enforced my mindset and physical dwelllng against a more mature, determined person wishing to do me harm.

-What if's are good.

-Past experiences learned by me and others do come in handy for the present.

-Doing all those "walk throughs" of previous dwellings I had, businesses, and the dwellings and businesses of others - was not such a dumb paranoid idea afterall.

Here is one for you - you do realize that apts use a master key to enter and allow pest control / maint persons in - correct? Did you realize how many of these keys are actually on the key rings of these persons? How many "sets" of locks are actually bought and pre keyed. I made my point when the key I was originally given opened 11 other apts...with Res mgr in tow , I randomly open the locks, including the mgmt office and Res mgr apt.

I raised hell and made my point, PITA for maint and such for my apt, and some others...Like one young lady that has since moved, her former BF used a key from a friend of friend at a maint company - he was waiting for her to come home one night - not good. Owners , when asked if they would pay damages for theft, loss, rape or assault said no - she moved.

Drive down the street with your remote garage door opener, especially if in a new platt that has been built. Count the # of garage doors that open...


Firearms and girls are more important I guess...
:) SM, I like the way you think! I used to have two 8' patio doors on my living room. I used a similar locking setup to the one that you've designed; only, I placed adjustable steel bars at the doors mid-height point in order to lock the sliders in place. (This kept the sliding doors from being vibrated out of the track.

Today, my home situation is, even, worse: We, now, live in a ranch with huge ground level windows all around. Naturally, there's no substitute for a couple of Pit Bulls; but, just to be sure, I also keep a pistol within reach at all times; and I sleep with a shotgun under the bed at my, 'fall back' position.

Am I being overcautious? Well, as you pointed out, about 10 years ago on a lazy Sunday morning my front door suddenly opened, and in walked a filthy dirty street vagrant with his hands in his pockets - Yippes!

He looked at me, (I was sitting in a chair, defenseless, with a broken leg.) smiled an evil grin, and started walking straight for me. It's kind 'a sad; but, I'll never know what might have happened because my male Pit Bull interupted, 'the party'! I never saw a guy move so fast to get, back, out of a room. The dog missed him by a sheer millisecond! Oh, well, like you said; 'It always happens when you least expect it - AND it does! ;)

Tip for Steve: Find a repelling harness, or learn how to tie one from a legnth of rope. It will be easier to repell down and slow yourself with the "hand behind the butt" technique. Know what I mean? Then all you have to do is get into the harness and tie off the rope, and down you go, safer than you would have before.

Too newfangled and high tech, not to mention the last harness I was in - hurt . The helo co-pilot "mentioned" it might not fit that didn't. It held tho...always wanted to stand in a helo door and see what happens when one of them suckers is hell bent for leather in a hard dive and then banks...I found out, I'd do it again....with a bow-line I tie or a much much better harness...some stuff cannot be replaced *ahem*.

Nah, I can this , btdt off a tin roof amidst smoke and flames 4 stories up...with a dog in my shirt. I may be older, some stuff just kicks in....Oklahoma red clay ain't soft btw...
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