Only carry 3 rounds in your carry gun?

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Sep 10, 2013
On another forum, I was having a discussion with someone about concealed carry, and he actually told me that based on his trainer's advice, who he said was a Special Ops person, he only carries 3 rounds in his Glock. The reasoning that he said his trainer gave him was that almost any encounter you have will be over in 3 rounds. If it isn't, then you're dead anyway and it's best to not leave a fully loaded gun behind for the bad guy to get ahold of and use to kill more people.

I've never heard this type of reasoning before. I've only heard of "Better to have it and not need it than vice versa". I couldn't convince this guy that it's better to have a fully loaded mag. I pointed out videos on youtube where people almost never go down after being shot with a pistol, including that one video where the cop shot the fleeing guy 8 times, hitting him 5 times before he went down. He told me that he carries the very best HP ammo, which is so much more effective. I told him that cops carry the best too, because the taxpayers provide endless funds for it so the cops can carry the best. Still, no luck in convincing him otherwise.

Does anyone here carry only 3 rounds in a high-cap pistol?
that is literally the dumbest thing ive read all day.....

Special Ops may feel comfortable with only 3 rounds.....i dont, i want as many rounds as i can reasonably carry....and seeing as my gun is the same size weather i carry 3 rounds, or gonna take 10.

to be honest, if im dead, i dont really care what happens to my gun........but while im alive, i dont want to hear a click after round 3 and wishing i had a round 4.
Your friend needs to reconsider who he's taking advice from. I understand people can disagree on calibers, revolvers versus semis, etc., but I've never heard anything close to that.
If you ever hear me say, "I have too much ammunition," it means that I'm either on fire or trying to swim.

Only load to 3 rounds? No. And not just a little no, but a big NO.
Maybe the special in Special Ops was meant to be in air-quotes and that didn't translate well.

I've run into so many people who have been in the military in some form or another that claimed to be special forces, green berets, navy Seals, Delta Force, etc. that they must have had more special forces than there were normal forces. I only know two people who were in any type of special forces (that I know of) and I found out from other people. They don't talk about it at all themselves for the most part.

Now, as for only carrying 3 rounds? That's a "special" kind of stupid. Unless your carry piece is a Drilling with 3 bores, then it makes sense. Sorta. It's hard to find spare mags for those. :D

FINALLY!!! Someone who thinks my 5-shot revolver is overkill!

He probably wouldn't be happy with the two extra speed strips I carry with it either.

By that "logic," then, he shouldn't carry a firearm at all, because most people will never need one to defend themselves or their family.

(shaking my head in disbelief)
I'm deeply skeptical of the idea that anyone with combat experience, never mind someone with elite training, would say "only load 3 rounds in the magazine" in any context other than a joke or leg-pull.
There's a reason that pistols hold as many rounds as they do: because the goal in firearm related self defense has always been to have enough firepower before needing to spend precious time to reload.

That's such a defeatist mentality and it sounds like it's something the Bloomberg crew would say to CCW applicants. "We'd rather you potentially die a horrible death then see one more gun in the hands of a person who would do bad things with it." Honestly, even if the gun was empty, the guy can pick it up and buy more ammo for it.

What state was this "trainer" spouting this nonsense?
One of the whackiest ideas I've ever heard! Like the OP stated, a determined person doesn't go down when shot unless it's a central nervous system hit. It's my intention that - if I am unfortunately to ever be involved in a self defense shooting and am hit - I'm taking the bad guy with me. That's why our military went to .45acp; the Phillipine attackers still were able to advance and kill our soldiers after being shot with .38 when handguns were used as the last resort (IIRC). I'll be emptying my mag as I bleed out.
Sure it wasn't "Special Oops"?

Earlier today, I watched a video of a terrorist being shot what looked like 10 times by a cop in Israel. The guy still managed to get up and stumble around.
he actually told me that based on his trainer's advice, who he said was a Special Ops person, he only carries 3 rounds in his Glock.

No one would tell him this and only a liar or fool would try to sell it.
It's the special branch of special ops called "keyboard commandos".

Very hush hush. The 3 rounds are so if captured, they can shot themselves in the head 3 times.

Seriously, can't believe you actually posted this. :rolleyes:
The average gunfight last about 3 seconds with on average 3 shots fired within a distance of a few yards. Those are averages, there are dozens of studies out there some conflicting so choose one you like.

That said on average I should not need more than 3 or 4 rounds in a gunfight, unless of course I deviate from average. Does that mean I should promote CCW of 3 or 4 rounds? I sure as hell think not. The guy who suggested this would be better served by special ed than special ops. I like how Snyper put that. :)

Again, if you go with the averages you would not fire over 3 or 4 rounds but that is no reason to only load 3 or 4 rounds. Then too, what to do if you have a situation that is not "average"? So while I can see how the number was derived I sure do not see it as a good practice.

I only drive 26 miles round trip to work everyday... I keep my tank full of gas though.

While I can see, with about as much open-mindedness as I can muster, some merit in the logic of not leaving a bad guy with a loaded weapon I would rather have the means to make sure he isn't vertical.

While I have absolutely no numbers or statistics to back this up, my gut tells me you are far more likely to wish you had more than 3 rounds in an encounter than wish you had less after the fact.
If you ever hear me say, "I have too much ammunition," it means that I'm either on fire or trying to swim.
as for only carrying 3 rounds? That's a "special" kind of stupid.
FINALLY!!! Someone who thinks my 5-shot revolver is overkill!

...and others: Thanks for the chuckles.

Too funny.

I've never been very concerned with either of my 1911's 7 + 1 capacity. Having that many more rounds might be necessary if you shoot 9mm or you plan on missing a lot.

I only put three gallons of gas in my car so when I run out there won't be enough for someone to steal my car and drive off.:scrutiny:
Did the instructor plainly tell him to carry three rounds? Or did this person hear the average firefight lasts three rounds and thus take it upon himself to only carry three rounds?

Also, was this person on the other board named Gecko45 by any chance?
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