Oooh... Someone doesn't like Oleg's site...

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I would have said it if Tamara did not say it first...

It's amazing how quickly we turn into the same people we criticize for hating America. Let's not bash the whole countries and nations (especially in such derogatory manner) based on the opinions of the few whom we disagree with. I noticed quite a few times when someone posted something about US that was full of bigotry and stereotypes and The High Road members responded in the same tone.

We are better than this.
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Another alarming part about the EU is the insistance on political conformity - i.e. France warning Bulgaria that if they support the US on Iraq then Bulgaria may not get into the EU.
While I am sure that every President of the United States wished for absolute support, they have not publicly demanded it. I don't recall any EU member rushing out to repudiate France's statement and rebuke them.
As for Isreal "not being petty", they have several reasons. Decades of American military aid. US political support. The enemy of my enemy thing.
I believe that European countries don't count those killed by terrorists, in wars, and in concentration camps in their murder statistics.
No excuse, an explanation

Insulting one's country or the way it does thngs is akin to saying "YOUR MOMMA". It tends to rankle to the core
and bring out the worst in some of us.
Though phrases such as 'congo carl' are an abomination, their use is the only defense some seem to have for being verbally challenged or threatened. Perhaps subjects such as this one are better left unposted as they seem to have the effect of bringing out the poorer angels of our nature.

Pots and kettles..........
I used to get into some name calling, mudslinging, etc. on some other forums, and for what? I used to lose my cool when verbally attacked and or stereotyped by some "foreigner". You know what? Anyone who can voice their opinions freely (like on the High Road) has got it pretty good. I'm sure there are some ups and downs no matter which side of the ocean you live on. The really cool thing is we are free to discuss/debate each other, even on the other side of the world. Having said all that, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Man, I love this country! :D

As far as Americans all being cowboys? Man do I wish! If I didn't live in the city, I'd trade my old Ford Taurus for a good horse in a heartbeat. ;)
"... We simply have a different way of doing things and the results speak for themselves ..."

They certainly do. How many tens of million innocent men, women & children were killed during WWI and WWII ... wars started byEuropeans.
Folks, from the fundamental ignorance about Europe that the writer showed, I suspect he is an American liberal.

Hey, guys, get over the resentment against the German, French, and Russian governments. They're not opposing us because we're Americans. They're not even opposing us because they think we're wrong and they're right. They're opposing us because they fear that if they do not then global American hegemony is inevitable. Unfortunately-from their viewpoint-that hegemony is inevitable whether they support or oppose the US.

Germany and France were once Great Powers back in the days before the superpowers. They remember that and resent their present impotence-especially France. It's why France partially withdrew from NATO in the middle sixties and created the "force de frappe."

This is nothing but the resentful nattering of has beens.
well now, we've had racism, and now the questioning of the sexual orientation of, presumably, several entire cultures.

This one is done.

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