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Sato Ord

Mar 21, 2008
Melbourne Florida
Or get thrown at you depending on your perspective.

I was at my local coffee house, I don't want to get brand specific so I'll just use their initials - S-t-a-r-b-u-c-k-s.;)

I was in line behind a well dressed woman, and some guy came in and stepped right to the front of the line like he owned the place and the rest of us were just cattle or some such. He jostled the woman so badly she almost dropped her purse. As she juggled the purse her pistol fell out and hit the edge of the counter and then tumbled towards the floor. It would have hit directly at my feet if I hadn't caught it as it fell.

I looked at the gun, a hammerless S&W .38 special snubby. Basically a nice little hammerless chief's special, but I'm not up on S&W model numbers. Anyway, everyone, including the jerk who tried to buck the line, is now staring with eyes as wide as saucers. (Okay, pun intended: coffee house/saucers, look quick or you miss these things.)

I say "Nice gun" and quickly stuff it back into her purse.

The woman starts falling all over herself apologizing and I am ready to brush the whole thing off. She looks at me and says, almost in a panic, "Really, I have a permit to carry it."

I say, in a calm, and what I hope is reassuring voice, "I' not a cop. Really, I don't care if you have a permit. As far as I'm concerned if you can get through the background check to buy the thing you should be able to carry it. However, a purse is a not the best place. Not only can something like this happen, if someone grabs your purse from you he not only has your money, if he decides to take more he has your weapon. You should consider getting a good holster."

At this point I notice that all eyes are on me like I'm suddenly somehow in charge here, so I politely point to her coffee and say, "You might want to do something with that before it gets cold", and then I smile.

The woman, red faced but more under control, smiles back and picks up her coffee to leave.

The guy who caused the trouble decides to add, as a parting shot, "I guess I should apologize since she's carrying a gun."

The woman, to her credit kept walking toward the door.

I, however, have a problem with Political Correctness and couldn't resist. I said, "No, you shouldn't apologize because she is carrying a gun, you should apologize because you were a jerk."

The Barrista then handed me my coffee, my usual, I didn't even have to tell her what I wanted. When I started to hand her the money for it she waved that off and said the strangest thing. She said, "I'm so glad you were here to handle that. I don't what might have happened if it had been someone else."

When I asked her what she meant she said, "Suppose that gun had hit the floor and gone off?"

We all knew someone would ask that question, right?

I pointed out that such a thing was pretty much an impossibility and why. Pointing out that unless the weapon is fully cocked, which is impossible with that pistol unless someone is directly squeezing the trigger, it can't fire because modern firearms have a block that prevents hammer from accidentally hitting the firing pin.

The conversation lasted for a couple of more minutes by which time everyone but the guy I called a jerk was completely calm. He kept eying my waist line trying to see if I was carrying (I wasn't, but let him look:evil:) and trying to screw up enough courage to trade more insults with a man who might be armed.

I simply finished fixing my coffee (I like some good strong coffee with my cream and sugar), and left.
Careful on catching falling guns!

Always am!

It's okay, I caught it by grabbing the cylinder. :evil:

Seriously though, It literally fell into my hand like a baseball into a glove. Funny, what I normally do when something like that falls is just put my foot there to cushion it when it hits, unless it's a big gun and/or not mine, then it's not my problem (and no, I don't drop them often). Not sure why I caught this one.

Just a side note, if a knife is falling, let it go!!!
Yeah better to let it fall to the floor in hindsight, but considering peoples natural reflexes, I'd probably try to catch it too.

Good for you to let everyone know that its OK if someones has a gun for their own protection. It probably let the lady feel better knowing there was someone on her side.
"No, you shouldn't apologize because she is carrying a gun, you should apologize because you were a jerk."
That's exactly the comeback I thought of for that situatoin.

You handled it well. I'd have maybe reached to my beltline and adjusted an imaginary gun just to make the jerk a little nervous. "Now would you please go to the back of the line where you belong?"

Yeah that's pretty ridiculous that el ****** decided after shoving people around to cut them off in line that it was his right to make snide comments about her, while inferring that he did nothing wrong, and would only apologize because it might help him make it to tomorrow.

It's great that the lady was carrying though, hopefully she will get all her ladyfriends to start shooting and carrying as well. Not likely they even know though, given her reaction to being "caught" carrying.
It's great that the lady was carrying though, hopefully she will get all her ladyfriends to start shooting and carrying as well. Not likely they even know though, given her reaction to being "caught" carrying.

The big problem with being caught carrying in Florida is that St. Statute 709 clearly says that a concealed weapon must be kept concealed while you are carrying it. Letting it be seen can result in a fine, losing your right to carry, especially if they catch you just being an ass and showing off to intimidate for no good reason. That's why I'm thinking about spending the bucks and getting a Colt Defender or a short Kimber .45 for carry, it's too easy for a full sized 1911 to peek out at the wrong time.

Accidents happen, as this clearly shows. If this incident had happened in front of a cop, depending on the cop, it would have most likely gone the same way, especially since the person carrying was a woman. More people are sympathetic to women carrying than they are to big men with guns on their hips.
Hey Sato Ord

Hey Sato Ord

Bless you man. You handled that well, including giving the jerk a a clear piece of your mind. More power to ya!

Oh, and its appropriate that you used the letters to abbreviate the name of the coffee shop so as to not reflect upon the ownwership or customers of S-T-A-R-B-U-C-K-S.

I believe in being discrete too!:uhoh::uhoh::uhoh:
nicely done, all the way around. I especially like this:

Seriously though, It literally fell into my hand like a baseball into a glove. Funny, what I normally do when something like that falls is just put my foot there to cushion it when it hits

I understand why people say that you shouldn't try to catch falling objects, and with good reason. I also understand something literally falling into your hands. This morning I had a coffee mug fall from a shelf around neck high and it fell right into my left hand as I closed my hand around it. I never laid eyes on it until I set it on the counter. Sometimes the Force comes out in people.
That's pretty sweet, dude. A good catch with no fumble+a positive message overall, I'd call that an influential moment with good results.
great story. Next time, give the woman a card with "www.thehighroad.org" printed on it, just so she can associate with others and know that carrying is OK.

Always good to point like-minded people to the flock :)
great story. Next time, give the woman a card with "www.thehighroad.org" printed on it, just so she can associate with others and know that carrying is OK.

Always good to point like-minded people to the flock
+1 THANKFULLY you were there to ease the situation. because as said "i dont know what would happen"
Wow. Beauty of a story and good for you! It's nice to hear positive stories about firearms. Can you imagine just going to the front of the line like that?:confused: It's sick!:banghead: Schmuck!:fire: You should apologize to everyone and leave!:mad: Stories like this man... But great job letting the woman know what she was doing was right!:)
Great story, nice catch!

That said, guns, knives, and items fresh out of the forge are all items I allow to drop if they slip.
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