O'Reilly Talking Points?

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You guys do remember when he was the host of A Current Affair, right? Tabloid trash, circa 1990?

The Geraldo comparison was not far off.

*correction, it was Inside Edition, a knockoff of A Current Affair
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So not only does he want all our ammunition purchases to be tracked he won't allow his factual mistakes to be corrected.
I was wrong, the show was Inside Edition - it was A Current Affair's competition. I just went and looked it up and got totally distracted by Morton Downey, Jr.
Tonight I was writing The Factor before the segment was over.The trouble with gentlemen such as O'Reilly is that they fervently believe that an ivy league education not only makes them expert in every field but also that others of not so prestigious pedigree are dolts and morons. I know; I teach at a university. Bill's ignorance of small (not "heavy") arms and Federal firearms law is appalling; I wrote to him as much for two nights in a row now suggesting Bill "research first...opine later." No doubt my Arizona residency will confirm to O'Reilly's elitist nature that I am a mere peasant not worthy of regard.
Yep BO is a real _____ but just remember that other guy who on numerous occasions called him THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD before he was booted from those other 2 worthless networks.
Media makes money on these tragedies that's the bottom line, when the pay off starts to slow so does the wall to wall coverage. They all suck in that respect.
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Email sent

I'm sure you've received thousands of such emails, but here's one more, just in case you skip the rest and read mine.

-The AK-47 is not a "heavy weapon"; It is a small arm that fires an intermediate cartridge.

-The AK-47 is not available as a title I weapon that you can walk into your local gun store and purchase with just a quick background check. AK-pattern rifles are available, but they are semi-automatic only. A real AK-47, like any other real assault rifle (By definition, assault rifles are capable of burst or fully automatic fire) is heavily regulated under the 1934 National Firearm Act; Acquiring one requires submitting a form 4 to the ATF which, if approved after ~6 months, you must then pay a $200 tax to have the REGISTERED MACHINE GUN transferred to you. ALL legal machine guns are registered, and they are prohibitively expensive due to a finite number available (no machine gun made after 1986 is transferable to a civilian). An M-16 rifle costs about $15,000 USD currently. An M60 machine gun is about $25,000 USD. These guns are rare as hens teeth, rarely encountered even by those of us who are very immersed in the shooting sports & culture.

-The Bazooka. Like any DESTRUCTIVE DEVICE (non-sporting firearm over .50 caliber, or explosive ammunition & grenades) is also regulated by the 1934 National Firearm Act and are registered. They require the same form 4, same wating period, and same $200 tax stamp. Additionally, each and every non-inert (explosive) shell for a bazooka or other Destructive Device also requires a form 4 & $200 tax stamp. So, to buy 10 rounds for your "bazooka", you'd have to file the forms, pay $2,000 in taxes (plus whatever the rounds cost, usually hundreds of dollars each) and wait about 6 months before you could take possession of the shells.

-Other arms that are required to be registered include Short barreled rifles (rifles with a barrel under 16" or a total length under 26"), Short barreled or "sawed off" shotguns (shotguns with a barrel under 18" or a total length under 26"), and "AOW", or "ANY OTHER WEAPON", which is a fairly complicated class that we don't need to delve into for my purposes here.

-Gun sales are recorded. How do you think the authorities knew when and where Holmes got his guns? They traced them from manufacturer to distributor to retailer, then went to those retailers and found the form 4473 for those weapons. Furthermore, any sale of two or more handguns at one time requires another "multiple handgun purchase" form to be filled out and immediately submitted to the ATF further review. Holmes may have known about this, since he did buy his two identical handguns at two separate locations of the same retailer.

I'm glad you show support for our right to bear arms, but please try to get the facts right. We don't need any inflammatory misinformation spread.

This guy talks out both sides of his neck.

First he is totally uneducated on gun laws, especially NFA regs.

He wants all heavy weapons to be reported , yet in this segment @ 3:14 ( http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/oreil...01/guns-murder-and-the-usa/?playlist_id=86923) he says " the folks know the government can't protect them".

So if he is making this up as he goes along ( which he is ), he is still flipping back and forth like a fish out of water.

Rubbish media , if he doesn't go to the trouble to check his "facts" on articles like this , I sure can't trust, or expect, him to check his facts on anything else.

He is not part of a solution, he is a major part of the mis-information in our country.
Just watched it myself, unbelievable! 60,000 rounds of ammo, gimme a break. At least in this case, the informed side of the discussion was the member of congress.
I'm going to e-mail him. He is arrogant but hopefully he will listen is he get enough letters. He is asking for laws to be past that already exist!
Did he read any of the viewer mail last night? I missed it and was curious to see if he actually admitted he was wrong or just ignored it all.

Here is what I sent him:

Bill, you let me down last night. Your talking points memos are usually accurate and reliable, but the rant about machine guns and bazookas was simply wrong. Do some fact checking on the ATF requirements for buying a machine gun. Its a lot of paperwork, 6 month wait time, background check, $200 tax, and local law enforcement approval. A bazooka is considered a destructive device and is illegal everywhere. And where did the "heavy weapons like AK-47s" statement come from? An AK is just a semi-auto rifle like many others. I invite you to come to KY and shoot a lot of fun guns that you cant have in New York.

P.S. My AK-47 only weighs about 9lbs.
1. Very disappointing to see BO play the part of blathering, ignorant idiot.
2. Prediction: Tonight BO will admit that he was wrong.

Edited on 7/26/12 to add: I can't believe he did not admit he was wrong, even with Beck ribbing him. My faith is misplaced.
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Bill O has kind of painted himself in a corner with his recent ignorant rants. It will be interesting to see how he walks this one back given the hugely inaccurate statements he has made repeatedly. His only consolation is that he is not alone, there have been plenty in the media making stupid claims and assumptions.
If he would have taken the time last night to correct himself instead of repeat the same rant he probably could have regained some credibility but that opportunity was wasted.
Bill O'Reilly lives in NY and it is obvious he, like Obama, Romney and Mayor Bloomberg has never owned a single gun.

His call for the feds to track the names of people who buy powerful guns (????) would create a federal registry of guns and gun owners. This is an extremely bad idea since it could eventually lead to wholesale confiscation of guns by the federal or state or local governments.

In addition, in order to implement this system, it would require a seller and a buyer in private sale transactions between residents of a single US state to participate and allow the feds to collect the sales data.


A few provisions of that bad legislation such as the prohibition on so-called assault weapons and large capacity magazines expired in 2004 as a result of a sunset provision in the law. Most of the other very onerous and unnecessary and ineffective provisions like the required background check is still on the books.
His call for the feds to track the names of people who buy powerful guns (????) would create a federal registry of guns and gun owners. This is an extremely bad idea since it could eventually lead to wholesale confiscation of guns by the federal or state or local governments.
Sadly this is pretty much already being done or at least the mechanisms are in place and become more sophisticated at technology advances. One only has to look at how quickly they tracked the origins of the Aurora shooters guns, they had the info released to the press in 6-7 hrs so their time was probably considerably less.
Private sales are where they will be going next IMO, here in CO they already have the private sales at gunshows recorded on 4473's and many are being done electronically just as many FFL's now do it. Are these fragile electronic files allowed to only be held at the dealer or are they recorded in some other database?
Bill O'Reilly lives in NY and it is obvious he, like Obama, Romney and Mayor Bloomberg has never owned a single gun.

This is another of those blanket statements that the poster nor anyone else has any real knowledge of.
True, we don't know who owns firearms among that cabal, but we DO know they are a cabal. They live in a enclave of privilege. Their kids go to the same schools and they all know each other. I stopped watching those "news" shows years ago, and I don't know why anyone still bothers to.
I'd be more concerned about his idea to track ammunition purchasers.
This has been proposed by Antis that want to work the back door to regulating gun ownership out of existence.
I sent my email for whatever good it will do. His treatment of the Congressman was despicable considering that Congressman Chaffetz was the only one in the conversation who was knowledgeable on the law. Won't be watching anymore unless I hear of an apology.
I sent my email for whatever good it will do. His treatment of the Congressman was despicable considering that Congressman Chaffetz was the only one in the conversation who was knowledgeable on the law. Won't be watching anymore unless I hear of an apology.

I agree.

I've grown increasingly annoyed in the past few weeks over O'Reilly's rude behavior towards his guests and will likely stop watching him unless he stops "yelling down" his guests.

It is one thing to disagree, but to run down the congressman like he did- inexcusable. He came off looking no better than one of the rabid, irrational anti's that he sometimes has on the show.

His stance (uninformed) on guns and the 2A is deplorable and FOX's flagship platfrom just took a major hit, IMHO.

So much for the spin stopping there.
He's channelling the spirit of Piers Morgan.

Or, I wonder if it is the influence of Rupert Murdoch, the Aussie owner of Fox News, who has been accused of ordering slanted talking points for news coverage.

Tommygun, that's H***, Michigan, they freeze over every winter. Shorter wait than the other place. I am not waiting for the other place to freeze over. No patience.

'Tis sad, I used to like the O'Reilly of years past who while openly opinionated allowed the guest to make their points too, and left it up to the viewer.
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