Orwellian England

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Jan 7, 2003
While entertaining myself with search engines, I found this web site of an England Parliment hearing on FIREARMS COMPENSATION SCHEME FIREARMS (AMENDMENT) ACTS.

Some of this stuff would be downright hillarious if it wasn't so scary.

".38 super ultimate and .38 super blue are listed as calibres—they do not exist."

Super blue sounds like something one would use to put in the toilet bowl, or is that where the legislation came from in the beginning.

The next time someone tells me the US should model gun laws on the British system I am going to start saying "Super Blue" over and over again like a madman until they go away.

".38 super ultimate and .38 super blue are listed as calibres—they do not exist."

Are you sure? These are the people that came up with "foot, "yard", "pound", "hand", "rod" (gotta wonder bout that last one) etc. :D
are you sure?

".38 super ultimate and .38 super blue are listed as calibres—they do not exist."

Are you sure? I mean it was in the paper? That makes it real right?:fire:
the list contained numerous obscure branded items that nobody had ever heard of, but omitted most of the common ones.
They admitted afterwards that the scheme was drawn up without any input from the industry. It was considered that either they would have a financial interest in vamping the values up or that they would be ideologically opposed to the whole thing and refuse to help.
These are the people that came up with "foot, "yard", "pound", "hand", "rod" (gotta wonder bout that last one) etc.
What is worse - coming up with this stuff back in the dark ages, or being a former colony still using the system in the 21st century? :D

If God wanted us to use the metric system, he would have given us ten fingers and ten toes.

As Grandpa Simpson so eloquently put it: "The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets twelve rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I likes it!"

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