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OT farewell to MicroBalrog...

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Skunk, I'm amazed at your ignorance. I thought kg, km etc. were tactical-speak.
Or maybe that is only when you call it "keys" and "clicks". :)

Micro, good luck.
Skunk, I'm amazed at your ignorance. I thought kg, km etc. were tactical-speak.


Kilogrammes is how we weigh rice in Hong Kong. Everything else is in pounds :D ... multiplying and dividing by 16...so much easier than 10! Those French :rolleyes:
Good luck to you, here is a plan, try to get to the US for some training, we always have foriegn nationals in our military training schools. Keep in touch and If you can come here there are bound to be some THR members where you go to meet up with!
Good luck, Micro! Chiming in to add my 2 cents worth of advice, always drink more water than you think you need. Lots more. Carry some extra water purification tabs with you wherever you go in the field just in case you get the chance to refill your canteens.

Keep yer wits about you, keep yer mouth shut, don't attract attention to yerself, do everything yer told, fast. Have yer mom teach yer how to make yer bed. heh.

Good luck and Godspeed.

Good luck! I imagine you will emerge as one tough hombre.

One liberal fewer here at THR. We get so lonely . . .
Good luck.

Now, I'll throw my two cents worth of advice to ya.
1) If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.
2) Don't volunteer for nothing!
3) There may be no such thing as a stupid question, but there are questions which will get you smoked like a cheap cigar.
4) If you can see them, they can see you.
5) Friendly fire, isn't!
6) Concealment doesn't necessarily mean cover.
7) Chicks dig scars and war stories, especially if they are related.
8) Surrender is not an option.
9) The best laid plans fall completely apart when the first shot is fired.
10) You may not like the person next to you, but remember, they'll be the one covering you when the SHTF.
11) Never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy.
12) Redundancy is a good thing. Always have a back-up, plans, equipment, etc.


Me! Me! Me! My Hebrew sucks but I can play Hava Nagila on the banjer....
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