Over heard at a local gun range.


Jun 19, 2012
My local range is shut down for updating. I was at a local indoor range/gun shop. The Rep for Remington was there and I heard him tell one of the employees that they seemed to have a lot of shot gun ammo. He said if I were you I would put some away and wait a bit. There is a world wide shortage of powder. He said that the price for shot gun ammo is going to spike due to a coming shortage. This was as I was leaving the range and looking at their stock. I did a quick search on line and found that others are saying this same thing. So I believe its so. I bought a case of 00 Buck. For the what its worth dept.
The crystal ball I have says prices go up the closer we get to November, every 4 years...
That is a toss up. After doing a bit or searching the shotgun ammo seems to be a real thing. But I also found that many are saying gun manufactures having a hard time keeping up with demand. Gun prices right now are insane. I saw at the local range a used Ruger Blackhawk in good condition they were asking 875 for it. That is insane.
After doing a bit or searching the shotgun ammo seems to be a real thing. But I also found that many are saying gun manufactures having a hard time keeping up with demand. Gun prices right now are insane.

.410's been scarce around here since covid hit the news, prices on everything went nuts when the free cash was sent out across the Country. Even the $1 value meals are $12 these days...;)
This was forecast before the beginning of 2024. Not just with shotgun ammo, but ammo overall. Reasoning is the conflict in Ukraine, the Israel/Palestine conflict, other Global conflicts and the closing of ammunition plants. With every other manufacturer claiming some form of shortage, while reporting record profits, it seem to be the new "marketing strategy". Price is still going to be determined by supply and demand, both which are affected greatly by panic buying. I'm guessing the "Rep for Remington" was hoping others would overhear what he was claiming and continue to pass it on, helping to contribute to making folks run out and buy more.
This was forecast before the beginning of 2024. Not just with shotgun ammo, but ammo overall. Reasoning is the conflict in Ukraine, the Israel/Palestine conflict, other Global conflicts and the closing of ammunition plants. With every other manufacturer claiming some form of shortage, while reporting record profits, it seem to be the new "marketing strategy". Price is still going to be determined by supply and demand, both which are affected greatly by panic buying. I'm guessing the "Rep for Remington" was hoping others would overhear what he was claiming and continue to pass it on, helping to contribute to making folks run out and buy more.
I doubt that very much.
I doubt that very much.
So I believe its so. I bought a case of 00 Buck.

....that is your prerogative. I shoot Sporting Clays. Running out and buying a single case of shells would be like buying two gallons of gas to top off your tank before the price goes up again. Just the cost of doing business. The last several ammo/component shortages and price increases were caused by panic buying....not actual shortages of any kind. You believe what you want.
I have seen 100rd round boxes of .22 LR periodically disappear from the shelves and stay gone for awhile. Panic buyers hear a rumor there will be a shortage and have every member of their family buy the store limit of 3 boxes a customer (and send them back the next day for more). Self fulfilling prophecy?
I have tried to avoid panic buying. A few years back I was down to my last 500 Win 209s and I shoot 50-100 every week or so. I found 1000 Nobel Sports for a really good price (limit 1000). I bought them even knowing they’d ruin the primer pockets for Winchesters later. I stuck to the same 200 cases and loaded them each five times.
Keeping my eyes open I have, since then stashed about 20K shotshell primers. Five years worth.
Metallics, i have at least 2K of each size. But am watching.
Won’t pay $100/K.
The crystal ball I have says prices go up the closer we get to November, every 4 years...
This is very accurate and a large reason I got out of the business. Margins are so slim on firearms and ammo and the boom/bust cycle is wild. I love shooting, but there are better ways to fund a gun habit than selling guns.

I am still shooting Remington 9mm that I bought right after Trump got elected. I paid $10/box and there was a $5 rebate on them, making it $5 each. I imagine itll be the same deal if he gets elected this year.

However, I do feel like the market is saturated to a certain extent. The states that wanted to pass new regs have done so. The ones that didn’t, wont. At least in the short term.

Every gunshop commando pushes these shortage stories to sell more product. Also, adjusted for inflation, I am not convinced gun prices are high. A new glock has been $550 for years. That tells you how bad you’ve been getting gouged by OEMs over the years on plastic guns.
I have been stacking ammo since 1988.. I paid 2.5 dollars a box of 20 for a 1000 case of Norinco non corrosive 223 ammo. Its worked well. I have a bit of 12 gauge but the shop had a sale on 3 inch 00 buck. If you don't stack it you will be sorry. I lived through several spells where you just could not buy ammo. It was near impossible to buy 22lr for 5 years after sandy hook. I sold off some at the extreme high prices. 5 boxes of 223 20 rounds each for 100 bucks. 500 22lr for 125 usd. And the buyers where happy as heck to get it. I also keep several thousand primers, bullets and lots of powder. I put back a few hundred 30 round AK and AR mags. As we say in our gun club stack em cheap and deep.
If you believe that, you should run to one of the websites that have everything in stock and order some, even if they only take Zelle.
First off I trust the Remington Rep more than any arm chair warrior. Don't stock up. Thats on you. I have stocked over 50k in just 22lr. When I was going to the range in 2013-15 and few people were there because they could not source or afford to buy ammo. Good luck with that.
Just my .0002 cents (Bidenflation!), I think it’s the curse of the web-fueled cycle again.

Liberals and agendas have a tendency to do that but the nuttiest prices I have been able to sell in, were after Obama's reelection and sandyhook. Sold a 650 on ebay for $1800, so you know there was someone else willing to pay $1780 for one. Had a new 1050 and GSI bullet feeder 3 weeks later with the proceeds...
The last several ammo/component shortages and price increases were caused by panic buying....not actual shortages of any kind. You believe what you want.
The very definition of "shortage" is not enough supply to meet demand. What you refer to as "panic buying" is simply a temporary increase in demand that outstrips the available supply.

I have seen 100rd round boxes of .22 LR periodically disappear from the shelves and stay gone for awhile. Panic buyers hear a rumor there will be a shortage and have every member of their family buy the store limit of 3 boxes a customer (and send them back the next day for more). Self fulfilling prophecy?
The very fact that there is a limit on how much one can buy proves that there is a shortage.

Rumor mill=anxiety=wacko purchasing=shelf shortage=reseller price gouging=buying lull=price normalization=folks stuck with $150.00 bricks of .22 now selling for $40.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 😞

Stay safe.
Exactly as a free market is designed to work. In other words: increased demand=shortage=increased price=decrease demand=surplus=lower price=increase demand. This is infinitely more efficient at deciding how much to make and for whom to make it than the government setting production limits and quotas.
If you don't stack it you will be sorry. I lived through several spells where you just could not buy ammo. It was near impossible to buy 22lr for 5 years after sandy hook. I sold off some at the extreme high prices. 5 boxes of 223 20 rounds each for 100 bucks. 500 22lr for 125 usd. And the buyers where happy as heck to get it. I also keep several thousand primers, bullets and lots of powder. I put back a few hundred 30 round AK and AR mags. As we say in our gun club stack em cheap and deep.
The free market at work.
I'll just leave this tidbit of wisdom for all you naysayers.

Remember: The prudent man sees the danger and hides; the fool carries on, and is punished.

Each one of you knows what is coming. Each one of you has been through it before. Not buying sufficient ammo when it is both affordable and available now, is like not filling up your gas tank and checking your generator as a hurricane approaches. Only, in this case, this is the 15th hurricane you've been through, and you're still not filling up your gas tank or checking your generator as the storm approaches.
I have seen 100rd round boxes of .22 LR periodically disappear from the shelves and stay gone for awhile. Panic buyers hear a rumor there will be a shortage and have every member of their family buy the store limit of 3 boxes a customer (and send them back the next day for more). Self fulfilling prophecy?

Yes it is. Nobody spreads panic/rumors faster than shooters. "Prices are going to go up!" Gee, really? During a time of inflation prices will go up? "There's going to be a shortage!" Yeah, because now we feel that we have to buy everything at any price before it disappears.

And that's how you move inventory... Houses, cars, primers, whatever you want.
What ammo is affordable now?

I can order a case of 7.5 Winchester for a fair price. Federal is cheaper, but doesn't run as well in my Mossberg.

That's it. Everything else is overpriced. OO buck is $2 round. Slugs not much less. I have enough on hand.

9mm was OK 2 weeks ago, now it's expensive again.

I'm well stocked on everything but 5.56. But have enough if I don't play with 5.56 this year.
I know a lot of shooter who parrot the same I will not stock up. I only buy what I need. Does not work out for them. They whine like a liberal at a pro terrorist rally when they can not find ammo or primers ect. Trump is not a locked in win. My brother sold all his reloading equipment, ammo ect. When in 2007 ammo was ridiculously cheap. 7.62x39 Russian non corrosive was going for 2.35 USD a box. I told him it may be that for now but it will not stay that price. He so regrets selling his stock. The cost for the 00 buck was 189 usd for 300 rounds of 3 inch. Ammo seek has it for around 64 cents a round plus shipping. So it was a good price. I don't really care if all the info about a powder shortage is just a conspiracy. If the price is good, buy it put it in a good ammo can and just hold it. Paper money is getting more worthless every day. Gold, Silver, Guns and ammo and other tangible valuables are a better place to put your money than investing in the paper fiat currency that is going to eventually be hyper infated out of existance. You can either bury your head in the sand saying nananananan I can not hear you, or you can prepare. Food is another area. I tell people I hope my long term food stock rots away. I hope I never need it. I also hope I never need my seat belts. But when you do its way way too late to take care of it.
What ammo is affordable now?

I can order a case of 7.5 Winchester for a fair price. Federal is cheaper, but doesn't run as well in my Mossberg.

That's it. Everything else is overpriced. OO buck is $2 round. Slugs not much less. I have enough on hand.

9mm was OK 2 weeks ago, now it's expensive again.

I'm well stocked on everything but 5.56. But have enough if I don't play with 5.56 this year.
What I bought was .62 cents a round. A good add in some more ammo to the stock pile. Anything you need to have a supply of is what Warre Buffet said about stocks. When others are running to buy you sell, they they are selling and blood is in the water you buy.
My LGS called the other day. Said my unique was in. I asked how much. 55.00 a lb. I kindly declined.
That is crazy. I have about 27 pounds of powders. So I am good for a long bit. I think I paid 15 bucks for a pound for some, others 29 bucks a pound. This will pass most likely, but you never know. One time it will be the new normal.