Overrun by Rats in NYC HELP!!!!

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Jan 29, 2003
My Dad lives in New York City and has loads of rats roaming his back yard. He also had katz but the traps/cages (and electric wire) worked well, but rats help!!! They go thru the fence holes (only the top is wired, children etc), and most don't enter the traps. Now I'm sure you all now that the use of ANY firearm in NYC is a big no no, so we need some ideas. I was thinking paint ball gun with some interesting pellets (any ideas?), bb pellets didn't help.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Get a .22LR rifle, put a 20 Ounce bottle on the barrel. And shoot them with CB Caps.

Quiet, yet effective!

Screw New York. They aren't legally allowed to violate your 2nd Amendment rights.

States cannot violate The Constitution.
Well... the 22LR is a good plan and the CB's but the pop bottle is a felony... its making a supressor and you cant do that with out a $200.00 tax stamp.
Plenty of rat killing power in a .22 air rifle. Assuming they're legal in NYC he could set up a "hunting blind" and enjoy the target practice (and hunting over a baited field would be legal).
air rifles and such are illegal in NYC.
My exterminator does the following:
Take a regular snap trap
put a piece of Slim Jim on it but not before you rub the entire trap with it.
40 minutes later 2 dead rats
Thanks sounds like a good idea I just need to understand a little clearer. You wrote I should put a 20oz bottle,do you mean over the opening /muzzle of barrel? will that really muffle the sound? I forgot to mention that one neighbor was feeding the stray Katz, I don't want him to know what I'm really doing, and if the dead rat ends up on his side of the fence-with a 22lr in it the cops will go crazy.

What's CB caps?

pungee stick pits


pellet rifles will do the trick. even a pellet pistol. .177cal or .22 Both have the ability to fire anywhere from 500 to 1000fps depending on what you buy.

they actually make hollowpoint .177 pellets for small game.
Don't do it. I was making a funny.

Your best bet is poison or traps.

If you're in a rural area then my idea might go over well because nobody's around. If you're in an urban area then don't do it...

Yes, .22's can be muffled by placing a 20 oz bottle over the muzzle and taping it on. It is highly illegal and I should have thought a little more before saying that.

However. If you're ever out camping and nobody's around. Give it a try!
if you want to keep your forum name, do not pay attention to onewithgun's suggestion to put a pop bottle over the muzzle of a gun or to shoot them with CB caps. There is too great a chance of you ending up in the slammer.

Never mind, as I was posting he warned against doing it in real life too.
DO NOT discharge a firearm within city limits unless you're actually defending your life. It's stupid, and it's dangerous. Remember how that toddler got killed by a cop shooting at a snake in a neighborhood?

Projectile weapons can't solve every problem.

I think poison would be best. Or maybe buy a dog or cat to scare them off, if your dad is open to having a pet.
The CB and BB caps are small .22 loads that only use the primers as the propellant.

Don't quote me on it though. They can take most small game with well placed shots though.
Use a blowgun, you'll be surprised how well those work on small rodents within 15 yards. It also has the advantage of not being a felony.
Don't discharge anything in the city!
snap traps are the best.
poison works well too but they tend to crawl off into some hard to reach area in your home and stink up the place when they rot.
Short Story: I use to dread mornings because next door, the neighbors had a section in the roof where these 2 pigeons use to live and coo for hours. Now I look forward to the morning as its almost like a small hunting adventure that I now use my window for. If pigeon's skin and feathers are anything like rats (excluding the feathers of course) than you should be ok using a strong air rifle. I bought my .117 Beeman pellet rifle for $149, its got a rifled barrel and a nice little scope I use on pigeons religiously.
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