P3AT accidental torture test....

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Aug 23, 2007
36° 31' 47.1742" X -87° 21' 34.0301"
I ccw my P3AT everywhere. It's always in my front right pants or jacket pocket.

Well, yesterday I was working in the basement, using a wet saw to cut slate. For those of you who don't know, wet saws, especially cheap-os like mine, sling water around, mostly on the user. And, in this case, the water was full of slate dust, as fine as baby powder.

Anyway, I was cutting for hours and was thoroughly soaked with soupy liquid. And, so was my old P3AT in my pocket. It was full of silt. Afterwards, I shot the thing just to see if it would jam on me and it worked perfectly. I bought it used and it has never jammed on me a single time since I've had it.
some people cringe when they drop their gun or subject it to some other form of cruel and unusual punishment. personally, i love it when my USP comes out from the gates of hell and just absolutely refuses to malfunction!

i am often the intentional torture tester.. i love to test things and see what they're made of. when i bought my surefire i threw it down the stairs. when i got my USP, dropped it in the sand with the action open. got my jeep, took it off road and beat the hell outa it. i guess some people call me crazy. but i like to know the stuff i paid good money for is gonna work when conditions arent 'perfect' most people are afraid to play with their investments when the main reason they invested is for the reliability factor
Good to hear it still fired true, I’ve thought about the P3AT or a P11 for some time now, does it seem to be picky about what ammo it fires?
Awhile back a guy posted the story about how he left his P3AT in his pants pocket and it went through the washer loaded before he found it. He said after he took it apart and reoiled it, it shot fine, even with the ammo it had in it. There's been times I've worried I'd do the same thing. Little bugger is easy to forget you have it.

I have direct, personal knowledge of the washing machine incident and it also got started in the dryer before the banging noise brought attention that something was wrong. :uhoh: Sure glad I never do anything like that myself!!
What an idiot!! :eek:
My P3AT has been a pretty good little gun for me. I have a couple general complaints with it, but reliability isn't one of them. Mine has been wet, dusty, and dirty and has always worked just fine.
Really? After pocket carrying mine for a week at a time, it usually jams by the second or third round. It works...but only when it has been cleaned and lubed just before firing. Now...I never carry it unless I've just cleaned/lubed it. Better than a prayer...but just barely.
but only when it has been cleaned and lubed just before firing. Now...I never carry it unless I've just cleaned/lubed it. Better than a prayer...but just barely.

Perhaps one contributing factor to our different experiences is that I run my guns pretty much dry. Colorado is a dry enough climate that rust isn't a huge concern, and I don't believe that more than just the tiniest amount of graphite grease on the rails is necessary. I literally don't even own oil to put on my guns, and the same little super-glue size tube of graphite grease has lasted me for almost 5 years now. Also, I don't make a particular fetish of cleaning my guns. Maybe the type/lack of lube I use keeps mine from getting jammed up with gunk or something...

Alternatively, maybe your gun is just more tempremental than mine. It happens.
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i am often the intentional torture tester.. i love to test things and see what they're made of. when i bought my surefire i threw it down the stairs. when i got my USP, dropped it in the sand with the action open. got my jeep, took it off road and beat the hell outa it. i guess some people call me crazy. but i like to know the stuff i paid good money for is gonna work when conditions arent 'perfect' most people are afraid to play with their investments when the main reason they invested is for the reliability factor

Amen brother. If it ain't gonna work under "extreme" or at least difficult conditions.........why the hell buy and rely????????????????

We pay good money for things these days and companies spend tons trying to convince us their stuff is the best. As far as I'm concerned if I am gonna own it, it better do what it's supposed to do when I need it to do it.

If it can't do that........it's useless to me.
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