Passing The Torch

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Gaucho Gringo

Sep 10, 2006
Vancouver, WA
Tonight you may notice one less gun from my signature. I finally gave my son the Winchester 1906 .22 Pump - Expert in 1\2 Nickel rifle I had been meaning to give him. It was my grandfathers gun who gave it to my father who gave it to me and now I gave it to my son at a belated age of 21 because my wife did not want me to give it to him at an earlier age. It was kind of emotional because when I got it at age 13 it was a rite of passage for me. I also showed him where every gun in the house is so he can grab them in case anything happens to me( I am only 2 years away from 60 and my dad died at 56). I never got any of Dads guns or tools , my mom gave them to the idiot she married 2 years later and she was hammering on me to give her back the chainsaw and 16 ga shotgun that my dad had let me use. She never got them back and I never got any of the items I thought I was entitled to. And I will have to write a will to cover things, something my dad never did to my great surprise. Anyway, passing the torch tonight felt good. I had my 45 years with it, may he pass it on to his son or daughter.
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Good for you.

My dad passed on last January, leaving a nice collection of Winchester Model 70's that I think he fully intended to give to his three sons and numerous grandsons, but never got around to it.

When my two brothers and I divided up the few guns that had family history, I chose dad's pre-64 model 70 that he had had re-chambered to 300 Win Mag back in 1963. My brother had labeled it "grandpa's elk medicine". The bluing is worn where dad always carried it, and most of the finish on the stock was pretty well worn through. But it had accounted for numerous head of elk over the years, in dad's capable hands.

It was the first pre-64 I ever owned, and about a week later, I gave it to my son, with the instructions; "Kill an elk for grandpa with this".

I'm 58, my son is 30. You did the right thing.
Good to read this.
More parents should think ahead and plan for the future.Leaving a will is a wonderful and realistic gesture for our progeny.
We have no warranty's on time in this life.
I am unable to change my signature. I go into change it, it seems to change but then when i look at it again, it is the same. Anyone have any help? Thanks.

I finally figured it out. Signatures are only allowed 4 lines now, my old one was way over that. I guess they changed it after I had made my original one and just deleting one line does not work if you are over the limit. Apparently all old signatures are grandfathered until you go to change them.
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I love and collect old winchester pumps, that is one fine .22 you passed on and should last for many more generations I'm sure.
My son & I have kind of a family arms race going on, with an informal agreement that we try not to duplicate what the other already has, as they are all freely used by us both. We do have a lot of the same calibers (which makes reloading easier), but all different makes & models.
Between the two of us we probably have upwards of 40.
I am 63 & the total will surely increase before I go on to bigger & better things.
It should be a substantial amount to be shared by my 7 grand kids, ALL boys.

A rite of passage.... (snif)...

That brings up a poignant memory. I gave my son a youth-sized .22 rifle at a very young age, and later on, a .22 Beretta Auto pistol, with a very clear signed note that he owned the handgun, and had my permission to use it.

Now, something like 15 years later, the subject of that gun came up, and he says he still has that original note (as well as the gun) and cherishes it as a kind of testament to his "growing up."

Something touched my soul about that, and I get a little weepy just thinking about it now.

The pistol? According to him, uncounted thousands of .22 rounds have been through it, and he still uses it frequently. And he always impresses me with his marksmanship.

Even if I can never hand down anything else to him on my passing, I will know that at least I generated another responsible... and accurate... shooter.


Well, there's that $36.27 in my savings account he'll get, too...

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