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Pending Illinois Legislation

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Until the states adopt the electoral college model - or the cities depopulate - nothing will change.

My thoughts rxactly, there are 62 counties in NY the governors office was won by only 17. So we suffer warped ideology of NYC. Same happens in most states with large population centers. A 1 elector per county in a college would stop the majority of the curate being controlled by the minority. Speaking from a total land area perspective. That college should be for federal offices and governors. With state assemblies a popular vote would garrentee fair representation. No more fly by night legislation pushed through that benefit or are modeled to the minority population centers
My thoughts rxactly, there are 62 counties in NY the governors office was won by only 17. So we suffer warped ideology of NYC. Same happens in most states with large population centers. A 1 elector per county in a college would stop the majority of the curate being controlled by the minority. Speaking from a total land area perspective. That college should be for federal offices and governors. With state assemblies a popular vote would garrentee fair representation. No more fly by night legislation pushed through that benefit or are modeled to the minority population centers
You're saying that trees should count as much as people. That solution just isn't viable.
The reality of gun control is that "facts on the ground" trump legislation. That is, the more guns are in private hands, the harder it is to get rid of them (regardless of what laws are passed). The U.S. long ago passed the tipping point where, try as they might, the gun controllers cannot, as a practical matter, meaningfully reduce the number of guns. A significant portion of gun owners simply won't comply. The guns will go underground.

And ironically, the gun controllers' efforts are self-defeating. Every time gun legislation is proposed, gun sales go up. This adds to the existing inventory of guns, making it even harder to reduce it in the future.

ETA: I should have said "the more guns are in private hands, the harder it is to get rid of them politically as well as physically." People that own guns have a vested interest in keeping them, and vote accordingly. Once a person buys a gun (perhaps in a panic because he fears they might be outlawed), his previous theoretical objections to guns fall by the wayside. So the ant-gunners' attempts to legislate confiscations are actually creating more pro-gun voters.
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The reality of gun control is that "facts on the ground" trump legislation. That is, the more guns are in private hands, the harder it is to get rid of them (regardless of what laws are passed). The U.S. long ago passed the tipping point where, try as they might, the gun controllers cannot, as a practical matter, meaningfully reduce the number of guns. A significant portion of gun owners simply won't comply. The guns will go underground.

And ironically, the gun controllers' efforts are self-defeating. Every time gun legislation is proposed, gun sales go up. This adds to the existing inventory of guns, making it even harder to reduce it in the future.

This is certainly true, and at the same time there is the ever-emerging thought that the "Horse has left the barn" in any practical sense regarding future gun control as 3D Printer and "Table Top" CNC tech grows ever more affordable and ubiquitous in the U.S. Laws will be passed of course...brave laws like the now infamous "80% (and maybe less?!!!) receiver ban" here in IL that just went into force. But they will have no practical purpose constitutional or not as the tech caravan, illicit or no, moves forward. I guess this thought gives me hope.
You're saying that trees should count as much as people. That solution just isn't viable.

I'm saying that 75% of the states area shouldn't be controlled by 25% of its area, especially since without the biggest population center would crumble with out the rest of us. I've never seen a farms grow and be well maintained in a vertical plane. There land area is much smaller, so the rest of the sta t e has totally different needs,

NYC imports everything, food water, and energy from outside the city limits.

Perhaps if you don't like yhat way how about only land owners vote.
Perhaps if you don't like that way how about only land owners vote.
It seems to me that you would turn the clock back to when the landed aristocracy controlled everything. The voiceless urban masses get ticked off, and revolt. That's how you get a French Revolution and a Reign of Terror. There has to be at least a pretense of democracy (for the sake of social stability).
Hardly, we have that now liberal gun grabbers.. in many states.

It seems to me that you would turn the clock back to when the landed aristocracy controlled everything. The voiceless urban masses get ticked off, and revolt. That's how you get a French Revolution and a Reign of Terror. There has to be at least a pretense of democracy (for the sake of social stability).

You're saying that trees should count as much as people. That solution just isn't viable.

Tes in many cases trees are a viable part of society creating foods, clean air, homes and heat, more than I can say for a lot of prople, drug peddling gang bangers that create, what,or are reductive in society how?
Illinois is not a blue state. Chicago is the blue stronghold. Because the population is concentrated there, Chicago can call the tune.

C(r)ook County is the dominating force but St. Clair county (East St. Louis) is as bad, just not as highly populated.
Can any of you tell me of another county in this state that duplicates "public services" with one for a city and another for the rest of the county? There is the East Side Health District and an election board based in East St. Louis (ESL) while there is another election board and the St. Clair County Health Department for the rest of the county.
With the ESL election board, it is a common occurrence for election results from them to not be reported for at least 12-24 hours after the County board has reported their results. This is why there have been numerous races over the years where a candidate was leading when the County gave their final numbers, only to lose when the ESL board gets around to giving their results.
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