Phoenix anti-"AW" rally. A lesson in media bias

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Jun 16, 2003
Background to media bias...

Three of us went to the Arizona state capitol to soak up the AW Ban protest and press conference set up by the anti-gun "Arizonans for Gun Safety." We were there to speak to the press afterward so that we could give some balance (read" accuracy) to the issue which has been sorely lacking lately. Still,w e were puzzled as to why the press continued to get the story so factually wrong ("now we will have AK47s in the streets" or "these are the same weapons used in Iraq") as if they were reading from a Handgun Control Incorporated fact sheet.

It turns out, they do rely on such fact sheets, based on laziness, and an agenda of their own...(see below)

The media, print reporters, radio reporters, three TV crews showed up for the same old dog-and-pony show set up by a dozen people. Would these journalists have bothered to show if a gun rights group had called the press conference? They've not done it for us before.

The following is from Gary C, who was at the press conference with me.

I turned on the radio in time to hear the news at the top of the hour on KFYI. One of the first reports was a brief statement that both sides cannot agree on the consequences of the "assault weapons" ban sunset today. However, "AK-47s and UZI's will become legal" to manufacture and distribute.

After calling the KFYI News (602-650-5250) and speaking to the "news person" who just read the story, I am now INFORMED as to why KFYI news chose to run "this version of the AP story."
Ready? The answer is "it fits in the brief time slot that we have" ... yes, you read that right. It's an AP story quoting our friend, Sarah Brady.

The news person then played another version in the background which refers to NRA and others. It seemed to have a more "balanced" report but was slightly longer. I said, "play that version, it's at least factually correct." The version they are playing is a direct quote from the VPC press release carried by AP and contains a statement from Sarah Brady. But they don't mention the source (Brady) and REFUSE to include that in the news. They also REFUSE to retract or modify the story. They REFUSE to investigate and they REFUSE to listen further. Because?

Because, "Sir, you obviously have an agenda" and "we can't take time to call someone and confirm every story.'

The news person suggested that Mike Anthony, KFYI news director makes these decisions and will be in at 9am. (602-650-5250)
Is this the story?
Activists want Arizona to ban assault weapons

Posted: 09/13/2004 – 14:57:44
Associated Press Writer

PHOENIX (AP) -- Decrying the end of a federal ban, community and gun-safety activists say they will urge the Arizona Legislature to adopt a California-style ban on assault rifles.

"These guns are military-style weapons that belong on battlefields, not our neighborhoods," said Gerry Anderson, executive director of Arizonans for Gun Safety.
Rest of the story:
These people honestly believe that. If you read Bernard Goldberg's book, he confirms what we've been saying here for years: there is no vast media conspiracy, there is only a pair of insular communities of journalists. The first, the elite, is the group that lives in Manhattan and can go their entire lives without meeting more than a handful of people who aren't absolutely in rigid agreement with every left-wing position there is.
The other group, much larger and more widespread geographically, consists of all the journalists who slavishly copy those Manhattan elites. These are the TV, radio and newspaper editors and reporters throughout the country who wouldn't dare print or broadcast something that disagreed with AP's, Reuters, or the New York Times' take on an issue.

To him, you are the one with an agenda, because he's got the quotes for his story from a "gun expert" group and you can't ask more than that. You want him to include quotes from a radical gun-nut group, not a mainstream gun expert group, so you must have an agenda.

It honestly doesn't occur to him that he's saying that the people who only give one side are balanced and fair, while you, who asked him to portray two sides of the issue, are one-sided and biased.

It's a topsy-turvy world in which these people live. :uhoh:
As I wrote in another thread, "journalism" is dead. R.I.P.

"We don't have time to confirm every story." Well, then I don't have time to read every story -- what's the point, if I can't have some reasonable assurance that it is at least minimally correct as to basic facts?
Don, I can see your point. The media is full of pass-along scripts. Too little is written from scratch by regional/local folks. Maybe they just don't like research, huh?

Reminds me of that old saw: Ten people in line, one whispers in the next's ear "...<whatever>, Pass it on." By time it gets to the end it's nowhere the same message.

One thing for sure... Arizonans (and the rest of us) have got to come together to face these efforts down - down hard. We don't need, nor want, fifty state look-alike, but not quite, bans. We need the states that have them to work for repeal.

Another reason the Kerry thing needs to be defeated Nov 2 IMO. We need all the time we can get. Sure hope the Dems lose seats in Senate and House... for a stronger majority. Again IMO.

An AWB in AZ? Where we just named a shooting range as one of our state jewels? By a Democratic governor? Good freakin' luck, bub! I don't worry to much about this. I will contact my elected officials, anyway.:p
This story highlights the need for immediate Media Control!

Register and tax all televisions, newspapers and magazines. Books must have serial numbers and background checks before purchase. Assault media must be banned. Before airing a story a station must get approval from the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the resident city.

The First Amendment only applies to sports. ESPN=O.K., CNN has no legitimate sporting purpose=banned. :cool:
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