Physical problem = No gun for some

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If he refused to sell to an obvious gang banger, could he be sued for racial discrimination?

The definition of a gang (at least in Colorado) "a group of three or more individuals with a common interest, bond or activity characterized by criminal or delinquent conduct". Law enforcement policy uses a number of criteria to determine whether an individual is a member of a gang.

Nowhere, either in law or policy, is race an element of gang membership. And race ought not to play any part in whether or not a person can engage in commerce in this country.
The OP's complaint has no merit at all. He does NOT have a case nor does he have a legitimate complaint against the shop.

All of us, gun shops or we private individuals, have a duty to only vend firearms to those we think will be responsible in their use. I personally have refused to sell a firearm to an individual who wanted to gift it to his son in law because I knew the son in law to be a jerk.

If the gun shop owner needed any confirmation that you are unfit to buy the gun, your fit of anger at his refusal to sell you one gave him that.

It may be that the OP is sane and responsible, but if the vendor has even a tinge of doubt about either, he has no business selling the firearm.
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