picture request : single action size comparison..

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Dec 19, 2002
The Last Homely House
Can anyone who has some of the following post some comparison pictures, so far as size and bulk and weight go?

I'm particularly interested in how some of the "heavies" like the FAs compare as "packing guns" to the smaller SAA models. Basically, I'd like to find something as close to an original SAA in "feel" that can still handle at least an occasionally "owie" load of .45 Colt, past standard SAA pressures. I've asked about having a Vaquero reworked, but I'm curious how the other options stack up.


Freedom Arms 83
Freedom Arms 97
Virginian Dragoon .44
Ruger Blackhawk or Vaquero (pre-New Vaquero)
SAA or clone
The FA 97 is actually just a bit more compact than the SAA in some dimensions, but its 5-shot cylinder means the bolt notches are offset from the chambers. Buffalo Bore lists a higher-pressure load specifically for the FA 97.
I have a FA M97 45 Colt and it can take the same higher pressure loads as the Ruger Blackhawk. The cylinder is shorter than the Ruger's so you cannot shoot the real heavies but 300 gr slugs can be sent such that you will not really enjoy letting one fly. For the money it is tough to beat the 4 5/8" 45 Blackhawk. It is light, portable and it can deliver 325 gr bullets at 1200 fps or so, all one should ever really need.

Here's the FA,


and here's an old Ruger 45,

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