Plainfield teacher arrested for gun comments (CT)

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Jan 21, 2003

Plainfield (AP) _ Police say a Plainfield High School teacher has been arrested for comments he allegedly made at school about having a gun at his home.
Police say 51-year-old Duane Emmi has been charged with breach of peace after he made inappropriate comments in front of another school employee Tuesday.
Police say Emmi made a comment about other members of the staff not respecting him and about having a gun.
Police say Emmi did not threaten any students or faculty members, but rather made general comments.
Emmi, whose bond was set at $5,000, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.
School Superintendent Mary Conway says Emmi has been a technology teacher for about 20 years.

It would be interesting to hear more details on this story, but it kinda looks like they've wiped out the 1st and 2nd amendment in one bold move here.
What if he'd said he had fertilizer and deisel fuel? Wasn't the worst school massacre in American history carried out with a bomb, rather than a firearm, way back almost 100 years ago?
Idiots. If this is the way it happened, and it rarely is, then this guy should have all kinds of lawsuit material.
I heard that on the news this am also... I wonder how he said what he said and in what manner...

It's scary to think you can be arrested for just saying you have a gun.
It's scary to think you can be arrested for just saying you have a gun.

Probably more to it than that, but we sure know how these people over-react. Every day we hear stories of kids being expelled over simple drawings of guns.
Interestingly, that web page states that the story was "Posted Feb. 28, 2008". Gad, man! You've stumbled onto a portal to the future!!
If someone told me they don't respect me and then immediately proceeded to tell me they own a gun, I would expect the police to do something.
It all depends on what, exactly, was said. I'm assuming the crime charged was "menacing", or whatever CT has on the books as a functional equivalent. This will have a specific set of elements that must be met.

Male said it... Do you know how many times I have heard women say things like this? But Somehow I doubt they would have gotten pinched over this.
Ct is the land where open carry is illegal without any laws against it!

We have permits to carry here, not concealed permits.

If you expose your piece, they, dependending on the mood of the responding officer, can charge you for breach of peace.
weapon stupidity

Guess you all heard of the young boy in an art class that was busted and expelled for several days simply because the teacher walked by and noticed the pencil he was using had the simple word "GLOCK" embossed on it, nothing more, princple claimed that was illegal due to it exhibiting something about a gun! Also another case of crazy administrators, boy also kicked outta class and explelled for simply drawing picture of a gun!! These folks are the ones teaching our kids, had teachers back in my days been so paranoid i doubt i'd ever have escaped the 1 st grade!!
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