Please help me ID this magazine

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Dec 10, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
I came across this magazine and I can't figure out what it goes to. From what I can tell it's 9mm and the only marking is a "Q" on the spine. Any help would be appreciated!

DSCN3344.jpg DSCN3345.jpg DSCN3346.jpg DSCN3347.jpg DSCN3348.jpg
Yeah, that reinforce at the top pretty much screams "STEN" as does the lack of witness holes and distinctive markings.

Double-stack, single-feed, 9mm not narrowing the field much, though. Sigh
I also can't get closer than Sten or M3 grease gun mag.
The thing that throws me is there is no magwell stop on the OP's mag.
I'm almost positive it's a side locking mag. It's not possible one of the images is reversed?
So I agree with @Dr.Rob . Looks like the only locking surface is the D cut out on the one side, so a bottom loader would shake that mag out. It looks like it's just folded and spot welded, and a bit rough, so maybe a late war last ditch substitute weapon?
I looked at vergnon, Mac 10 , Madsen, Mat 49, Uzi, Sten, Owen, Sterling, FMP, M3, Czech smgs, Berettas old and new, Walther, Mp28, Mp 38 and 40.... Suomi, Bergmann MP32/35...
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MP-18? They are most commonly associated with a snail drum but used a box magazine in testing, and also late in production.
Mp18 has a final feed the size of a Luger.. and it appears later models used a mag similar Hmmm.
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Yes, the mp-18 was designed for a magazine like the one in the OP’s pictures. It was redesigned for the snail drum used w the Luger. Then late in production the “mag well” was redesigned to accept the box magazine as originally intended.

So it’s a possibility...

Also could be a lanchester...
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