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Please write IDPA!

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Jul 22, 2003
New England
I like many are incredibly disappointed and frankly quite angry about the new IDPA rule book...the holster and mag' carrier specifications in particular.

IDPA has violated its own principles and imposed a ridiculous ban on affordable holsters and quality OWB Kydex holsters that can be successfully and reasonably carried.

Uncle Mike's holsters in particular have been outlawed because of their "assault offset" providing a "competitive advantage" and being impractical. MANY new shooters "broke their teeth" on an UM's belt slide and then moved on...when Leatham, Burkett, and Sevigny start using UM's and it's all the rage, I'll concede their point...THERE IS NO COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE...it's an economic one.

Similarly with the better Kydex offerings from Blade-Tech, Cen-dex, Kytac and equivalent offerings which may violate the new rule by showing a "sliver of light" and if strictly enforced, will also be considered "assault holsters" inappropriate for IDPA use.

Just when gun rights activists like myself were enjoying the repeal of the AWB and the continued progress toward nation wide CCW...the IDPA BoD comes out with a ban of their own.


Please write a strong letter or e-mail of protest...WE ARE THE IDPA!!! If Ken, Bill and the others want to get together for a private shoot with their Sharkskin gear, FINE, but we need to stand up for our sport and let them know how misguided their silly ban is.

Thanks in advance for your efforts,

CZ52Guy, did they actually use the term assualt holster in the rule book?
I just spoke with our MD.

He indicated he spoke with IDPA HQ and they communicated an intent to stand firm on all rule changes and to make them effective January 1, 2005, even though the rules state the equipment changes are effective 12 months after approval, and that the new rules were communicated AFTER they became effective.

If Bill won't obey his own rules, I won't obey Bill...I have an extra $35 to spend this year.

Stay safe,

Wilson must have ahd a slow year and neds some new revenue streams. A lot of good holsters like komp-tac were also affected. How moronic!
After careful consideration I officially resigned my IDPA membership.

I'm done with them. They won't obey their own rules, I won't be coerced into enforcing them, and I won't stoop to their level by being part of an IDPA program where I willfully flaunt the rules of the organization of which I'm a member...that's what Bill did by ignoring the stability rules which stipulates a 12 month from approval effective date on equipment changes...I won't be that kind of person.

It was fun while it lasted...on to new challenges and hopefully, opportunities.

Stay safe,

...and to make them effective January 1, 2005.
So...if I shot a match on the 2nd with my Comp-Tac pouches and SooperHooper, am I supposed to go back and retro-actively give myself a FTDR? :)


- Gabe
So...if I shot a match on the 2nd with my Comp-Tac pouches and SooperHooper, am I supposed to go back and retro-actively give myself a FTDR?

If you are going to enforce upon yourself a rule that violates the 12 month from approval effective date on equipment changes...yup! ;) Reminds me of the Florida recount fiasco 4 years ago :D...and the Washington State recount more recently... :fire:

Stay safe,

I'm so confused. Maybe we'll get some clarification from HQ on this contradiction.
HA! I crack myself up sometimes...

- Gabe
Was considering shooting IDPA this summer out of boredom.

I'm a Little lost on the new rule changes though.

can someone clarify for us non IDPA types?
It's Bill Wilson's party. He's also in control of the party favors. I voted with my feet many years ago. I suggest you all do the same.

This is my opinion. your opinion may vary.

No, sorry, it isn't Bill Wilson's party. He may have got it started, and he may have appointed himself Supreme-Dictator-for-Life, but the sport belongs to the clubs, which belong to the shooters. If the clubs don't enforce these stupid rules, then they're just words on paper.

Frankly, where we are now as an club would be leaning towards: enforcing the rules as-written (except for the occasional slide for new shooters, like everyone does) or dropping our affiliation to produce the game we are more comfortable with.

I don't know that I'd be comfortable billing ourselves as 'IDPA' and then violating the written rules. When we started this thing we pledged that we weren't going to be one of those clubs that confused people with all the homegrown rules unique to our club. We run it by the book, all the time. If we can't (or won't) continue that, I'll lobby for dropping the affiliation before running custom rules under IDPA's flag.

- Gabe
I would think affiliated clubs could reasonably enforce the 12 month rule on IDPA and agree to come into compliance with the specific equipment changes by 1/2006.

The detailed Equipment Rules by definition must subordinate to the 12 month effective date from approval of changes language in the rule book. We may yet see a "oh it was a typo" backtracking...I won't count on it, but it would give Bill an out...partially, for some.

Stay Safe,

All you guys that are pissed with IDPA, there is an alternative. May I suggest IPSC? I'm not suggesting one is better than the other, just one way to express your displeasure with Dictator Bill.
I shoot IPSC every month and have shot IDPA, enjoy them both.
Just a thought.
I shoot both USPSA and IDPA every chance I can get. I personally prefer USPSA, if I had to choose one - a choice I'd rather not make if I don't have to-, but we started an IDPA club for many reasons - too many to get into here. We have a great club with great people and have a huge amount of fun. I've gone on to get my IDPA SO Instructor's cert, but am not an 'us v. them' type re: IPSC/IDPA...not by a long shot. If we were running a USPSA outfit, I'm sure I'd be moving forward with NROI.

That said, switching to USPSA is not really an option at this club right now. There are some curmudgeonly types that are having conniptions just about what we're doing now...the whole 'race gun' thing scares the bejeezus out of them. I actually had someone come up to me and say "You know, where I come from we don't go for any of that 'quick draw' stuff". That is no joke. What do you say to that?

It's really something else, the infighting and backstabbing. CZ52GUY has said it before, in the gun rights world, we eat our young. Case in point: we actually had to close down the skeet range for a while when the EPA started to give us a hard time about some moist areas the shot was falling into. We closed the fields while we figured out what to do. Two old crusty skeet shooters took such offense to closing the range that they wrote an article in the local paper about how unsafe our club is (not just IDPA, but we were lumped in) and what an environmental disaster it is and we're all just a huge accident waiting to happen. The media freaked and only due to some amazing damage control (including appearances in front of the town council) by our president did we emerge relatively unscathed. But the EPA talked to these two a-holes and said 'if they've got problems, I wonder who else has problems' and is starting a full-bore review of every shooting facility in Maine - all thanks to those two idiots. I think they already closed one up north.

It's really beyond imagining how someone could do that...but they did.

The point being, we are on very shakey ground as is, and IPSC is just not going to happen here. No way. So I've got to figure this out.

- Gabe

PS: This is the first official practical shooting club in Maine, so we're blazing a trail here. It's not so easy to just cut that off. The introduction of this style of shooting sport to this state has value above and beyond the specific IDPA BS.
I do shoot USPSA but can only do so once a month. I could shoot IDPA every weekend while only having to drive 90 miles max.
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