Police Plan Preemptive Putdown of Panther

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
Police Ready To Take Action Against Mountain Lion
Big Cat Living In Pacific Grove

POSTED: 3:53 pm PDT July 1, 2004
UPDATED: 4:02 pm PDT July 1, 2004

PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. -- A mountain lion living in Pacific Grove will be killed or euthanized unless it leaves the area, police said.
Authorities said the big cat is threat to public safety because it is making its home an urban area and it can't be relocated anywhere else.

The mountain lion has made Asilomar its home, feeding on an abundant supply of deer.

Police say they're ready to take action.

"Depending on what happens, whether the lion is treed or whether it's in a garage or whatever, will determine the enforcement action ... that could be anything from darting the lion to actually shooting ... there could be euthanizing at some point," Pacific Grove Police Department spokesman Tom Uretsky said.

Officials said killing the animal is not what they want do, but it's the only option they have unless the mountain lion leaves the area on its own.

An educational forum on mountain lions will be held at the Natural History Museum in Pacific Grove at 7 p.m. Thursday.

Previous Stories:
June 29, 2004: Concern Grows Over Pacific Grove Mountain Lion
April 20, 2004: Mountain Lion Blamed For Asilomar Deer Deaths
March 19, 2004: Mountain Lion Spotted Near Pacific Grove
3 thoughts on this one:

1. reporters are morons
2. i hope they don't do the dumb ### thing the other cops did and shoot it with .223
3. hey if they can catch it why don't they ship it down here? the local panther population could use the genes.
The police shouldn't hurt the kitty. It cost us $ for the cops to be there and shoot it. Why, I'll do it for free because I'm such a nice guy. I'll even drag the carcass away to a taxidermist.
What was the problem with using the .223 on the last one? Too small of a cartridge? I saw the video, the lady-cop made a nice shot with a well-equipped AR15 and the kitty got about a house or two down the street before keeling over.

Regarding the Palo Alto kitty...

I thought it was heart failure (.223 + heart = heart failure). Remember, even with the heart blasted out, there's still a few seconds in which the game remains dangerous and capable of payback.
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