polishing barell on CZ

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Jul 29, 2008
Im going to polish my CZ barell this this weekend. Is all I need a Dremel polishing attachment and some flitz? Do I need some fine grit sandpaper as well? Thanks
CZ 75 Variant barrels are heat treated for a surface hardness in
the chamber, it looks dull because of this. Polish at your peril.

or call Angus or CZUSA

and of course the really stupid naive question....

oh, is there a current problem in feeding or ejecting?

I had one FTE in my first 300 rounds, thats not why I want to polish it though. Im pretty much wanting to make it look a bit "nicer". Ive seen pics of barells that have been polished and they look really nice, they are kinda ugly looking from the factory. Mine is all blotchy gray and some reddish color in it
i gather that you're looking to polish the outside? if it's for looks and you're comfortable doing it then just polish the part that shows through the ejection port at your own risk. :shrug:.
EXACTLY what I want. Did you polish the entire thing or just the visible chamber part? And how did you do it?
don't worry about it. handguns don't need to look pretty, they just need to hit the inch wide bullseye at 25 yards repeatedly without failure. imo, beauty is just a side benefit of form following function. :)
I saw a polished one on gunbroker that had surface rust, so if it were me, I would only polish the exposed parts you want to look pretty.

I used my dremel and the small felt dremel polishing wheels with some fine paste polish I've had for years. Took about 5 minutes total. I just polished the barrel hood.

You should see my CZ-97B and CZ-40B now. :what:
As long as it's properly maintained the barrel won't rust. I've polished the barrel on my P226 and it's going years without any hint of rust. The gun gets a light film of oil everytime it's field stripped and cleaned.

flitz, elbow grease, and a side of time will yield some nice results. Good luck!
This is my prized and most'es favorite'est .45. Comp hammer, Wolf 15# mainspring, Fiber optic front sight, Hogue grips, polished barrel hood, and a butter smooth action. Over 2,000 rounds and counting.
Lookin GOOD! By plished barell hood are you talking just the visible chamber part or the entire outside of the barell? Thanks
I jazzed mine up by polishing all the exposed portions of the barell. I used a "slow" dremel, loose flap wheel and a little white rouge. It was fast and easy.
Those competition sights schmeky has made mine prettier too. :))

P.S. After a few thousand rounds, that coating 'wears' off a good portion of the barell.
You can take a piece of 400 or 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and some oil. Put the barrel in a (padded) vise and go at it like you're polishing shoes.

Or you can put a felt wheel on your bench grinder and add some polishing compound and have at it.

You won't hurt anything either way. My guns are always coated with something, oil or powder residue ;) so the rust concerns are a nonissue.

The barrel wears and the finish is removed over time, I have yet to see a rusty barrel on a CZ from this.

Edited to add the word: (padded) for those who don't know any better.
hags, is right on.
I used 600 grit wet/dry and wet it with Flitz. I did the entire exterior of the barrel including the lugs. I have fired probably 500 rounds through the PCR since that time with no issues. Everytime I field strip for cleaning I use a small dab of Flitz and then oil as usual. Never a sign of rust.
I'd post a picture but I don't know how......:confused:
My thinking is....

If it did not come from the factory like that, then don't touch it.

But thats just me.

That's like saying don't change out for night sights because the factory sight is perfectly fine. Or keep the factory rubber grips.

Polishing the barrel isn't going to hurt it if properly maintained. It's a personal preference.
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