Political Headway

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Yo Mama

Jun 4, 2008
This thread was off a topic I saw in a thread entitled "No Political or Judicial Support for 2A "

I disagree with this. I'm really starting to notice that we may be making some headway here!

1. Heller (obvious)
2. Supreme Court refusing to hear Bloomberg's rediculous New York case against gun manufacturers.
3. NRA continuing to sue sue sue
4. 2nd Amendment Tast Force (also in legal)-comprised of Dems and Reps
5. Out of Heller, many juristictions caved and stopped their bans out of fear they would be the next to get sued
6. City of San Francisco had to pay $380,000 in legal fees in striking down Prop H! http://www.sofmag.com/wp/2009/02/07...380000-for-successful-proposition-h-lawsuits/
7. Locally my new Governer is pro gun! We got rid of our last one and now she's in charge of Homeland Security (scary)!

Well, how about you? Let's focus on this thread on political support we have going in the fight to save the 2nd.

One last thing I noticed is how important yet again the NRA is. I have been a member since I was able, and always will be!
Do not forget the expansion of concealed carry laws, groundswell in support of open carry, and proliferation of the Castle Doctrine nationwide.
I also forgot post Katrina legislation clarifying the ability for a gun owner to keep their guns during an emergency. I also neglected that we now have Flordia stating you are legal to have your gun in your car at work!

I love it! I just hope it keeps going this way.
Noooooo, it's all a plot to lull us into a sense of false optimism before the hammer comes down......

Oh, don't forget Nordyke in CA, probably going to be the one that gets incorporation running.
I also forgot post Katrina legislation clarifying the ability for a gun owner to keep their guns during an emergency.

There shouldn't have had to be any "clarifying" legislation. :banghead:

But yeah it's great news!
Thanks to groups like VCDL, pushing through anti-gun legislation is next to impossible, and they have widely expanded and reaffirmed gun rights across the state, and did so in the state of the VTECH massacre. Good to see that well-organized people who speak with eloquence, statistics, and knowledge of the real world can overcome the ignorant screaming of soccer moms.
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