Poll and contact combined

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Done and my "personal note"

"I oppose Sen. Feinstein's New Version of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban because treating a nation of 314 million as if they were all like one criminally insane madman who committed one atrocity is indefensible, unworkable, and uses the corpses of the children of Newtown as a platform for Senator Feinstein's own private agenda she's advanced herself with for 20 years. "

My note:
I oppose Sen. Feinstein's New Version of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban because the Second Amendment is not a matter of convenience, to be disregarded at the whim of any lawmaker who has a personal anti-gun agenda. We the people of the US have the absolute right to own, buy, sell, and keep the weapons she wants to ban. We have the right to defend ourselves the best way we know how against criminals and any other threat that rises to challenge the liberty of America. Reducing the capabilities of law abiding gun owners only serves to strengthen those who disregard law and order in the first place.
Voted in both. I've already sent my Congressman and my Senators an extensive message concerning these issues but will send another after voting in the Mayor's poll (I didn't take advantage of their offer to forward it for me):

[begin letter]
I recently voted in a poll with the quite-biased options of voting for or against "Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence" (here: https://www.popvox.com/bills/us/113/x101).

I oppose the so-called "Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence" cited in this poll because...
There is no Common Sense in the legislation being proposed in this poll. The recommendations cited represent ideas that have repeatedly failed to have any positive effect on gun violence.

I favor common sense approaches to violence which will have some possibility of exerting control over the perpetrators of the violence and will oppose any legislator at any level whose ideas would result in further restriction of law-abiding citizen's rights with no possibility of having a positive effect on violence.

To repeat; I am For, and will support, any action which will help reduce violence in our society. I see none proposed associated with this poll.

I am against any action which serves only to restrict rights and does nothing to help solve the problem, and will work hard to replace such public servants who advocate the same.
[end letter]

Don't know how much these things help, but the letters to our elected public servants can't hurt.


hso wrote: "I oppose Sen. Feinstein's New Version of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban because treating a nation of 314 million as if they were all like one criminally insane madman who committed one atrocity is indefensible, unworkable, and uses the corpses of the children of Newtown as a platform for Senator Feinstein's own private agenda she's advanced herself with for 20 years."

Wow! This is absolutely the best punch lead I've read on the entire issue, and I have been on many forums and freedom sites operating coast-to-coast.

The clarity of the statement stings like a slap even when you're on the right side of this issue; and we should be slapped, as a nation, for allowing any politicians ground to use such tragedy as a means of manipulation.
I did my duty and voiced my opinion in all the polls, the following is the message I sent to my officials regarding gun free school zones, feel free to use it if you like.

I support H.R. 133 ("To repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and amendments to that Act.") because...I support this bill because gun free zones do nothing to protect the innocent they were designed to protect, but instead provide venues for criminals to commit unspeakable acts in which they know that no law abiding citizen will be armed and therefore there will be no one with the means to stop them.
The link in the OP was broken and I just corrected it.

A few of my comments:
I support H.R. 133 ("To repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and amendments to that Act.") because the idea of no guns on school property sounds good, but only impacts those that wish to uphold the law. Anyone intent on harm will ignore this restriction and also be emboldened due to the comfort of knowing that nobody will have the means to resist their evil.

I oppose H.R. 141: To require criminal background checks on all firearms transactions occurring at gun shows because licensed firearms sellers are already required to do background checks. I am not fooled, this bill is really about restricting private citizens selling their property.

I oppose Common Sense Legislation to End Gun Violence because...adequate laws exist already, further restrictions will only impact the law abiding, and military "style" weapon bans are a farce to scare people due to an image, not function. What the mayor group proposes is NOT common sense.

I oppose Sen. Feinstein's New Version of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban because we can not legislate safety by destroying freedom.
Voted and sent this message.

Since 1980 up to the shooting at Sandy Hook there have been 297 tragic deaths caused by school shootings. Politicians tell us they must ban the guns of innocent American citizens because of this.

However since the start of the 0bama administration's Fast and Furious program over 400 people have been killed on both sides of the border by guns 0bama sent directly to criminals.

Following this logic it seems to me the bigger crisis is the 0bama administration's policies. Congress should consider impeaching the President whose reign has been much more deadly in less than four years than what was done by crazy people over thirty two years in schools. Sad thing is 0bama is supposedly sane and still armed criminals on purpose. Makes more sense to punish those who voted for this murderous tyrant, especially the second time around, than persecuting gun owners who have done nothing illegal and have harmed nobody.


Criminal punishment for no crime committed, just being a gun owner is insane and unjust. Its an attack on our Constitutional rights and freedom. Follow the prevailing logic, deal with the bigger problem, the President.
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