Positive experience with LEO tonight.

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Larry Ashcraft

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Home of Heroes, Pueblo, CO, USA
I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, this is the Pueblo County Sheriff's Department, and all my interactions with them have been good.

So, I got home tonight and took my cover shirt off, after all it's 90 degrees outside. Sat on the porch a bit and sighted a coyote about 200 yards out. Ran upstairs, grabbed the 25-06, and waited for him to come out in the open. I got off a good shot that dropped him, but he got up and ran off. One more shot at him on the run (nothing behind him for miles), and I missed. Fine.

Then the neighbor comes out with a big tractor and starts burning off weeds in his pasture. He's doing it right, disking a swath around the burn.

About this time, a sheriff's deputy comes up the driveway. I'm sitting there, no way to hide my j-frame in its OWB, so I don't try to. I'm thinking he heard shots and came to investigate. He asks "That your field?". I replied, no, it's the neighbor's field, and he's got it under control. He said he saw the smoke from 2 miles away, and wondered what was burning.

He then told us to have a nice evening, got in his car and left. No way he didn't notice the S&W, but he never let on, or even asked about it.

I should mention this deputy was young, maybe 25 years old.

There is some hope left.
Sounds like your local constabulary are the consumate professionals! Rural CO has cemented it's place on my short list of states to build a life, largely for reasons like this. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders.

Common sense goes a long way in this world.
Drop a note to the department mentioning his actions. We need to mention the good along with the bad. Nice story!
OK, here's another one:

One day last summer I arrived at my shop early, as usual. None of the neighbors get there that early, so I wandered outside to my truck to get my coffee cup out, without my cover shirt. Not sure why, I just didn't have it on.

I noticed a Ford Explorer at the Police Equipment shop next door (which doesn't open until 9:30), but didn't think much of it.

I hear; "HEY, you got a permit for that gun?!" I look over, and it's my buddy Joe B., who is with the PPD, and is a softball fanatic (that's why I know him).

I said; "Well, as a matter of fact, I do".

He said; "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!".

I told him to come on over and shoot the bull for a while, Mike doesn't open for another 45 minutes.

He came over and we talked softball, cop business and trophies for about an hour. The subject of my gun never came up again.

I like living here. :)

Stop telling people how nice CO is! Do you live east or west of Pueblo? I drove through there last spring, spent 3 or 4 days there and in Canon City and pretty much decided that is the place for me when I'm done with the Coast Guard.
I've been LEO since 1975, and always try to leave the public more pleased than they were before the contact. Most of the times, we're as nice as people let us be.
I've had personal interaction with some really nice, understanding, cops, as well as some serious power tripping, angry jerks (a stronger word would be more acurate, but not allowed. He punched me in the side of the head because I didnt understand what he said when he ordered me to remove my sunglasses after being hauled out of the car for being in the wrong neighborhood in his eyes), as well as some that were right in the middle of the 2. Seems like the lower the crime rate of the area you are in (which usually is directly related to the size of the population, in general), the nicer or more laid back they are.

for example,the nice, understanding ones I mention were 2 MI state cops WAY up in BFE of the U.P. of MI. The angry jerk that punched me over some sunglasses for apparently being in a "drug neighborhood" was a Detroit city cop.

Just my observation, and is a general statement.obviously there are lots of exceptions.

Also, I agree it is nice to here "good cop" stories here too to help balance out the stories of the really bad ones that often make people really wary or sometimes hateful of ALL cops. I'm not a cop lover/apologist, nor a hater/basher.I try to judge them all individually, but admit sometimes I dont succeed.
I have had many interactions with PD and SO in my area over the last ten years. None of them has been negative in relation to CCW. I did have one incident, non CCW, that I would have preferred not to have, but even in that one each of us walked away with no animosity.

In my opinion, ask yourself one question if things are not going as you would want, "would I react differently than he is, if the situation were reversed?"
I have never had a bad experience W/ Pueblo cops ( thus speaketh the internet tough guy).

I do have one problem however, I take no issue W/ you for shooting a nusiance animal on your property. But I'm concerned W/ the fact that you wounded an animal and didn't follow up and make a clean kill, thereby causing the animal to suffer unnecessarily. ( again thus speaketh the internet tough guy)
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