PPT from TN to CA--HELP!!!

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Are you getting it for free? Does it have special sentimental value?

-Yes and Very Yes. Its a "gift", but we have to go through all this stuff. If I were just trying to acquire a .38, I'd go for a copy available here in my state. This is one of those "not any gun, but this gun" cases. And, its something I'm willing to wait for, should that be the ultimate option. I just want to see if there is a way that I can get it fair, square, and sans skullduggery.


I believe that a non CA resident can transfer a handgun to a CA resident if it is done in person in CA.

I don't think that's correct.

-You are right. In PRK BOTH parties must have California ID when doing it in person, hence the dilemma.


See, the thing is, I don't want this to be my fight of fights with the DOJ. I've got better things to do with my time when trying to upset DiFi, (like calling my/other people's representatives, writing letters, and donating to the good guys). Thats why I'm posting here. Its a special case scenario, not my trite attempt at getting back at the man. I'd like to do it, assuming everything is right in the eyes of the law.

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If you marry the girl, California being a "Community Property" state then the Centennial would be half yours by default. :D

In seriousness, I sympathize with you completely and regularly go through these hassles as well. California is a very bad place to be right now for firearms enthusiasts and it's ridiculous situations like this that show how unfair and ineffective the laws are. Honest people are the ones putting up with the laws not criminals, if you didn't care about the laws you'd just have your buddy FedEx it to you as machine parts and be done with it.

Bill Jones is most likely the candidate running against Barbara Boxer this year, that's step one. Step two is when Fienstein is up for reelection, we can win but we need to do a lot of work to take our state back.

I have only recently stepped up to the challenge. For a long time I assumed that CA was a lost cause, but then I saw the CCW fight winning across the nation and started thinking "maybe it can happen here too. Maybe we can win here too." I was used to the idea Boxer and Feinstien ruling until their dying days, and that I would have to move out, but this is MY state too dammit. Where can I find more about Bill Jones and dethroning the demonic duo? I'm still playing catch-up.
Your girlfriend can indeed bring her legally owned gun into Kali. Only banned items (AWB, hi-cap magazines) are verboten. As to whether she has to register her gun before selling it to you, you'd have to contact DOJ, though I doubt you can get a straight answer from them either.
P2P transfers from a non CA resident have been done.

If you ask CA DOJ, you will not get a consistent answer.

There was some talk here ot at TFL about transfering non approved guns from out of state - someone had done so and was told it was ok, another had asked DOJ and been told to not dare it.

If you find a dealer willing to do it in person, I would just go for it.
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