Prayer Request

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Big Boomer

Aug 14, 2007
Although, I am not much of a religious type of guy my father has become so.

He doesn't have many friends and would be classified as a "crotchety old man" although he is young, 55 he seems to have the worst luck of any man that I have ever known.

He lost his rights to own firearms a long time ago, but I still cherish the times that I remember us going shooting. Although they were few I remember them like they were yesterday.

My father was just diagnosed with cancer, still not sure yet but it seems to be in many places. The type is yet to be determined.

He lost his job back in December do to the company he was working for folding, he's fighting the state for a massive tax increase on a little piece of property he has, he's out of money, and the IRS officially hates him.

Luck has never been a friend of his. But I ask those of you if you could during your bedtime prayers and during Sunday mass to ask for a little divine help if you could.

His name is Ron Priest. He is my loving father and lives just North of Austin in a little bedroom community named Round Rock, TX.

He has been a construction manager and as you know with the housing market crash he's fallen on hard times, and this well just about kicks the legs out from underneath him. Although I am hopeful, I have to prepare myself and be realistic as to the outcome.

So once again, please if you could take a moment or three, my father and I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank all of you!
Having just lost my father after a long illness, I truly feel your pain. For what it's worth, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I just sent up Ron Priest's name to the throne of grace Big Boomer.

The best place for encouragement is in the good book.
Big Boomer,my prayers for your Dad and your family.
I'll light a candle in his name at early mass tomorrow.
God bless you in this difficult time.
He and you will be in our prayers. Cancer can be scary so be there for him. My wife had cancer (Hodgkins) when we got married. When she was diagnosed the whole family and I were shocked and scared. She was the only who took it well, she handled it like a serious cold. She had a positive attitude about it. That was in 1991 and she is still with me and considered cured.
Tell him to go get some BBQ at Rudy's in the gas station, and cheer up, because we're praying for him.
My father beat his cancer 4 years ago, it was hard on us all, and nearly broke him. I understand what you are going through, and if it were not for our faith in God, I think it may have torn our family apart.

My prayers are with you, your dad and the rest of your people.

"Be strong and courageous. do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9b

The Bible really does have good encouragement, you just have to look.
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