Pro 2A Questions for presidential candidates

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Dec 5, 2008
Knoxville, TN

The NRA sent this link so I followed it and voted for the Pro 2a question. However it looks like there are more anti questions that could might be merged to share votes. The top 30 questions will be considered for the debate on oct 9. I think it can only help to get our questions discussed to help frame the topic. Otherwise 2a discussions are centered around what and how much to take away from Americans rather than how to protect our rights. Please take a minute to vote and even start your own questions
Do we really want the answer to those questions in a debate setting? Totally honest here, it didn't work out so well the last time a gun-control question made its way into the debate...

I do find it interesting that the UBC question has the most votes, though, and the fourth-most goes to a more broad RKBA question designed to yield a vague non-answer. I'd much prefer "do you support teaching any gun safety in school as the mandatory curriculum?" or "do you still plan on having the NRA classified as a terrorist organization?" or "do you believe the president alone should be able to remove a person's RKBA by virtue of naming them a suspected terrorist?"

Whatever. They're only gonna ask vague questions ripe for non-answer platitudes on these core issues, and only request details when it comes to who's getting what for "free" from the government.

Your questions are better

I will vote for your questions as soon as you submit them and they are available. You are right that we may get a vague answer. Of course that is better than antis defining the issue to how much are you willing to infringe on the 2a. There will be a question. I prefer to engage in the hopes that others Dont get both candidates on record promising to gut the 2a. Hopefully we get vague or better promises to protect the 2a.
It seems to me that questions about guns, at a debate, are opportunities for the candidates to pander to the ill-informed. We saw this at the last debate, when Trump agreed with Hillary that people on the no-fly lists should be prohibited from buying guns. (Never mind the lack of due process in getting on -- or getting off -- the lists.) In the end, this format is not going to help the pro-gun side.
More disturbing was his insistence that the lack of due process, was in fact, due process; that is exactly what 'pandering to the ignorant' looks like, and it's rather shocking how effective it is in subverting support for the idea versus simply arguing against due process altogether, as the other candidate proposes.

All the above criticism is true, but currently the question:
"How will you ensure the 2nd amendment is protected?"
Is in second place.

The number 1 is:
"Would you support requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales?"

If the UBC question remains number 1 it'll get asked and number 2 will be ignored, because its "similar".

If we can flip the position both will likely be ignored, or we've another hammer to hit media bias with if only the second place question gets asked.

Please vote this up!
"Would you void the executive orders of the past administration dealing with firearms and ammunition?"
"What would you do to repeal the gun control acts on a federal level?"
Hell, at this point I'd take "Semi-accurately describe any current federal gun law in the US*"

Gun Control Groups Fume Over Debate Omission

The bipartisan Open Debate Coalition posed a series of questions Americans voted to ask the candidates. The most popular question: “Would you support requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales?”

The second-most popular question: “How will you ensure the Second Amendment is protected?”

...and yet...

Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, briefly spoke about guns without being prompted by the moderators.

It's The Hill, so naturally they're broke up that leading questions about 'gun violence' weren't asked, but frankly anyone who cares about gun issues should be livid (although, the fact Hillary brought up the topic unprompted would suggest she is now prepping based on the available website questions, and not by way of back channel requests for specific debate questions as was apparently the case during the primaries for both Democrat and Republican debates)


*and to be frank, a "lightning round" of basic civics questions would be far, far, far more informative to selecting a good leader than these ridiculous trifling 'debates' that cannot be described with a polite word.
The whole "questions from the public" was a sham, one question about wikileaks got like 13 total votes, yet it was asked.
The poll showed That the 2a is on the minds of active voters. One candidate is clear that they will ratchet down on our 2a freedom. Anyone voting 3rd party or staying home should list their firearms now to get the best price.

Yes we can close the thread now.
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