Pro-Gun arguments to offset the upcoming anti-gun nonsense after VT massacre.

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B yond

Sep 6, 2006
This is a sad situation, my heart goes out to those who lost their lives and their families.

The recent shootings at VT will undoubtedly spark new interest in the never-ending gun debate. I think it a good idea to prepare ourselves for the upcoming anti-gun arguments.

There will be a lot of emotionally charged debates over the availability of guns to law-abiding citizens. We, the pro-gun, law-abiding, recreational shooters of America need to be prepared to argue to protect our rights, for if we remain silent we will surely be faced with another assault weapons ban.

My take on the situation is this: While I've read that the Virginia state laws permit the legal carrying of concealed weapons on college campuses, the Vigrinia Tech regulations do not. This means that Virginia Tech expects it's students to feel safe with the protection offered by their campus police force. Obviously, this protection was ineffective against a single determined gunman. Perhaps if Virginia Tech had allowed students to be responsible for their own safety, the body count would be much lower. Of course there's no way to know for sure. I'm not blaming the campus police, because the blame rests solely on the shoulders of the shooter, but I do think the policy-makers who decided the students would be safer without the ability to shoot back should've thought this through a little more.

Please post your take on the situation. My hope is that we can prepare ourselves to make educated and rational arguments in opposition to the emotionally-charged and simplistic anti-gun arguments that are sure to come.
While I've read that the Virginia state laws permit the legal carrying of concealed weapons on college campuses, the Vigrinia Tech regulations do not.
This sure made things easier for the shooter, I don't think he could have inflicted this much damage on a Israeli campus.
If a Citizens rights were not infringed as in " the right to keep and bear arms" at all times in all places, with the exception of highly emotional places such as divorce or other court rooms etc.
There could have never been a Columbine, 911, or the tragic events of today.
That went on for so long and were so successful.

I know this argument will never fly, in todays world, but I believe it is truth.

IMHO gun control costs far more lives than it prevents.
I think the whole "don't resist, do what you're told, don't make it worse"

Argument is falling apart.

I also feel that the terrorist are now well aware of our schools vulnerability.
"I'm not blaming the campus police"

i blame them. i also blame their policy of no guns. i hope vt gets sued out of business. maybe other states/schools will get rid of this stupid "gun free zones" rules/laws.
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