Pro-RKBA Attorney List

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Dec 24, 2002
Some of you may have noticed the link in my signature to The Shooters' Bar(SM). This is a list of pro-RKBA attorneys (not necessarily "Second Amendment lawyers") that I've maintained since 1997. It's one of the oldest, possibly the oldest such list on the web. The URL is

My intention when I started TSB was to provide a way for gunnies to keep their money within the pro-RKBA community. After all, if you have to spend money on legal services anyway, why not spend it with someone who shares your beliefs?

I'd like to invite any THR members who are attorneys to send me their information so that they can be listed on TSB. Send a PM to me with the following info:

Internet email address:
Home page:
Areas of practice:
Bar admissions:
RKBA Organizational Memberships:

In addition, there is now a Yahoo! Groups mailing list for members of TSB, see (it may take a little while to show up in their directory).
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An endorsement:

Victor & Hall, the first attorneys on the list (Arizona) represented me in my trials and tribulations with the BATFE.

They did an excellent job for a reasonable price. I would highly recommend them to anyone in Arizona.
I'm proud to have been on the list for some time now. I'm pro-RKBA, though not a "Second Amendment Attorney" in my field of practice (intellectual property, or as El Tejon calls me, a "white shoe").
Dave -

I was glad to see our local Minnesota law hero, David Gross, listed. There is something FUBAR about one of the phone numbers, though.

Should you ever wish to make the site interactive, let me know. It'd be on me.
Nothing wrong with being a white shoe. :D

Cherry wood paneling in the office, hot chicks answering the phone, clean, polished shoes, no coffee stains on tie, you don't clipped by a city bus running to a bond hearing, you don't have to be nice to AUSAs and state prosecutors, and clients that you can take to lunch as they are not wearing county issued clothing. :D

"What? And give up show business?" :neener:
Nothing wrong with being a white shoe.

I'm not sure what a white shoe is. One of the deacons at my church is an attorney who exclusively practices "family law"...he draws up wills and such, is this a "white shoe"?

It has crossed my mind on more than one ocassion that he has one of the few types of law practices where (if I'm understanding it correctly) he shouldn't have to deal with moral quandaries (such as giving the best possible legal representation to a person who doesn't deserve it) daily.
Hey, El Tejon, why shouldn't everyone be nice to AUSA's and other prosecutors. We're not all bad, and some of us even believe in the RKBA. That's why I'm here. I was a gunner before I passed the Bar, and didn't abandon my beliefs when I took this job. Besides, don't you watch Law & Order. We D.A.'s are really cool, and good looking, too. ;)
My fleeting time as a prosecutor was some of the most fun in my life. :) I don't believe I was over-worked or underappreciated. I was under-paid, but I became substantially more underpaid when I took a job as a public defender (but I got to move back into the same town as my fiancée, so it was worth it). :)
Funny how we're all good looking, overworker, underpaid, and underappreciated. :D

A serious question as to this thread. What exactly would qualify an attorney to be on this list? I know a few attorneys locally who are shooters, have CCW permits, etc. Would this qualify them for the list? If so, I'd consider a couple of referrals, in a few areas of practice.

I sent you my info via PM. I will be proud to be on the list, even though I'm not a 2nd Amendment attorney (though I think that I qualify as a "white shoe," doing Estate Planning, Probate, Business Planning and such).

I look forward to hopefully meeting a few more gunnies (and maybe get a few shooting buddies that way), and it will be good for them to feel confident that their attorney has their RKBA in mind. It will also be nice to keep the money within the RKBA community, and not help to feed the anti-RKBA organizations with the spare money earned by anti-RKBA attorneys.
FYI...the homepage for Anthony LaBella Jr., Esq. (New York) is "Not Found".

Fixed, thanks.

It will also be nice to keep the money within the RKBA community, and not help to feed the anti-RKBA organizations with the spare money earned by anti-RKBA attorneys.

That's one of the major reasons I started TSB.

I'm glad to have several new members. The more the merrier, and don't forget to sign up for the mailing list, too!

You'd be surprised. Last year I attended a seminar in Philadelphia on PA firearms law which was very well attended, and most of the attorneys there were gunnies.
A lot of criminal defense lawyers are gun nuts. (Compared to other specialties - there are still a lot of non-gunny attys in the criminal defense bar.) Quite a few prosecutors, as well.
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