Pull Trigger: with finger pad or first joint?

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On my PX4's I discovered that using the center of the pad of my trigger finger resulted in shooting to the left. Using the right side of the pad w/the joint against the right side of the trigger centered my shots.
This only occurs w/the PX4, w/all others (regardless of action type) using the center of the pad gives the best results.
Great Scott! Yes! This is exactly what happens with me with my PX4. I have always used the pad but my shots are 90% down and to the left. Does using the knuckle really help?
I have found trough experience that with 90% of the handguns I use, be it DA/SA auto, SA auto , SA or DA revolver, I (personally) shoot best with "first joint" trigger finger position.
Works for me, at least.

Since I know that, I grasp any new-for-me handgun the way Jim Cirillo teaches : first place the trigger finger in the best position for you , then wrap the rest of the hand around the gun. Thn feel if it "fits"

Easiest way to tell if that particular gun holds promise for me or if I will have to "fight it" for every shot.
This. You figured out what eludes many shooters, especially new ones, because they rigidly adhere to "rules" based off outdated shooting techniques.

You should use as much finger as you need to ensure a straight, rearward trigger press that lets you keep your sights properly aligned throughout the motion. I too was initially taught what the NRA curriculum teaches -- that you should only use the finger pad -- which isn't necessary wrong, but I quickly found that not all gun/hand combinations are ideal to allow for that, and using the finger pad alone may not allow for enough leverage for a good trigger press in other cases.

There are only two fundamental things that should be emphasized - trigger press and sight alignment. If the sights don't move as you press the trigger back until the shot breaks it does not matter how much finger you use, or if you use a stick or a bic pen. Throw away the useless pie chart that gets posted around; it is meant for one handed Bullseye shooting, not a two handed grip and it it just confuses people, especially new shooters.

I personally like the following chart:

Now thats a great chart. Luv it.
I used to use the pad, because that's what I thought you were supposed to do. I have large hands, so the joint suits me better. I also did some reading that mentioned the joint, so that's what I practice now.
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