Purse for Carry

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May 2, 2006
Atlanta, GA
My wife recently got her license and is looking for a purse for carry. I have tried to dissuade her but to no avail. My argument is "if you get attacked in a parking lot the best case senario you have is struggling for a purse with a gun in it".

She insists that she will holster it on her person in high probablilty situations.

She is a real estate agent and is constantly going out and checking on properties. She read a story about an agent who was followed into a house and attacked, robbed, and beaten (agent was male so he forunately got off with only a beating and not a raping).

She is not a junk-aholic when it comes to her purse and she is looking for something small with a dedicated holster pocket. She wants to be able to carry it around with little to no hassle. She is concerned about keeping her gun carrying habits on the down-low.

Any ladies have any suggestions? She's looking at the Galco and Coranodo Leather stuff.

The gun of choice is a Taurus Model 85 circa 1994 (no locks, but exposed hammer). She loves the hammer, says it feels more like a real gun - whatever that means. I've offered to get her something else or let her use my S&W bodyguard. She's pretty accurate with it and doesn't want to go up the learning curve with something else.

As a side note I have set a bad example. I do not carry that often. I've had a permit for years and I have kept it just because it's a pain to get it back if you let it expire. It's hard to convince her of the need to have it on her person and not in a handbag.
Take her to a gun show.
there's always someone selling gun purses, usually a lady type person.
Stand back. Your wife and the purse lady will figure it all out without you.

My wife has had the Galco Classic for about 10 years (daily carry) and a Coronado for about 2. Both are excellent quality. The Galco still looks new.

Possible minus: The Galco is about twice as expensive as the Coronado for roughly equivalent quality. We have sampled stuff from the gunshows. Some is good, some junk. Bite the bullet and spend the money on quality, you won't regret it.

At least she partially "gets it" about having a gun.
My Wife carries her Glock 26 in a Galco Pandora. She really likes it, and that is the only way she will carry. The Galco is one well built purse, and worth every dollar!
" ... and Coranodo Leather stuff."

My wife, too, has been using the Coronado Leather Purse for her CCW, a S&W 36 3" Heavy Bbl. .38 for several years. She really likes it, and it's a good looking woman's purse. No gripes from my wife.


My wife really likes her "Soltaire" and "Del" both from Galco. She also has a Coronado purse, but likes the Galco's better.
Becasue of the way I'm built, I usually purse carry since most on the body concealed holsters are not built for fat chicks. I picked a purse like this one M-45 Leather Gun Purse that I love. Not only does it hold Charlotte nicely, since I also tend to carry about 30 pounds of stuff it is pretty snazzy for decking someone with it :D
Okay, I'm not a fan of purse carry. But for crying out loud -- stop arguing with her about it! She wants to carry! That's wonderful! Be happy! :D

If she runs a web search on "concealed carry purse" or "holster purse" or "conceal carry purse," she will have a lot of manufacturers to choose from. The two biggest are Galco & Coronado. Purses from either of them run around $150 to $300, which dissuades a lot of people from purchasing one. However, if she's going to carry in a purse, she absolutely needs one with a dedicated compartment. I've handled purses from both these companies and have never seen one that wasn't well-designed and likely to hold up well.

As a way of congratulating her on her choices so far, I'd suggest purchasing her a subscripton to Women & Guns magazine.

Have her drop by the W&G website as well. There's a middling-active discussion board on that site with a fairly knowledgeable user base of women who carry regularly, and she'll probably be able to find user reviews there once she has some specific purse styles and manufacturers in mind.

Oh, Jean? From one fat chick to another -- it is possible to carry on-body, if you really want to. I've done it for years...

I've found one way that is almost workable, this type, not too mention one in-waistband holster, but I find after an hour or so everything shifts to the point of uncomfortable and I have to move it to my purse. I refuse to listen to the fashion police and still like to wear a fanny pack on occasion (when I don't feel like hauling around a purse), so I also have one Charlotte fits into (tho not a specific concealed carry fanny pack). I keep pointing out the fabulous hot pink one Uncle Mike's puts out, but hubby keeps getting the willies hehehehehe(but honey, hot pink goes with EVERYTHING I wear :D).
I'm not a fan of off body carry. Purses are the target of theives and when she needs it most it will be in the badguys possession because he's already taken it. Now she is unarmed and he is better armed with her gun.

Would she consider a shoulder holster?

That said, be happy that she is going to carry. I don't have any purse recommendations.
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