Putting Skin The Game --- Need URL Suggestions

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Feb 28, 2008
Central Florida
Alright, I'm angry as heck and I'm not going to take it anymore:neener:

I've been working on a Trust setup to foster job creation in America, then I'm seeing these articles about gun shops getting done dirty (couldn't think of a proper name for it that was THR friendly). So I'm going to put skin in the game. The Trust is not done, not by a long shot. It's got over two hundred pages at this point (it anticipates nearly anything you can imagine from the antis plus clearly breaks down the rights of beneficiaries [contributors to the trust]) and I'm still doing case research on it in my free time (which is not much as I'm back out on my own completely again as a solo attorney [big cases I couldn't professionally pass up that firms won't touch without a 25k retainer up front and four hundred an hour for legal fees]).

So I'm going to over the next couple of weeks get a url and start the website up to get the word out. I may waste six hundred bucks doing so (I'm a realist) but I'm ticked and want to do something (thus why I'm taking a couple weeks to do it in case I get to the trigger point and realize it's not viable in any form).

So I need suggestions for a URL. I know a ton about SEO. I've built my own websites before (and have too much work on my plate to reactivate my sites as much of my work comes from word-of-mouth referrals [do right by people and they'll do right by you]) so I know what goes into it. The hardest part is taking the time to make it look pretty but I'm working on that angle as barter with a prospective web design client (hasn't been paid for work he's done and was smart enough to use the contracts I had drafted for him).

I just want a Politically Polite (doesn't need to be Politically Correct) url that folks can feel good about without thinking the site is right or left (I don't think it will be left). I'll also add the usual news bits and what so it can help drive traffic to the site. But I also want to focus on the financial side (not just activist side) of folks investing in gun stores, and startup gun companies (and parts makers).

At worst I'll get folks to think a little more (hopefully), at best it'll give RKBA friendly folks a place to park a little extra cash here and there and support gun rights and eventually see a return on their investment (after ten or more years).

So suggestions please: any and all positive criticism is welcome. If this needs to be in activism, please move it Mods. Thank you.
As someone who falls squarely in your purview- I offer up whatever support I can.

As to a URL name..... Could you please offer up an example of what your trust would be providing in terms of an actual service to those who might need it- for those of us who cannot read between the lines, so to speak ?

gunmoneyforever.com does have a certain ring to it........
I'm thinking the Trust should fall under an Umbrella style group. One that on one hand works to advance American job creation with "liberal" ideals maintained as far as good pay, health insurance, and retirement plans (give the liberals, blue collar folk, and conservatives something to get behind). The other hand works to advance and maintain the rights of gun owners. So should the anti-gunners get their panties in a twist we can smile at them and say they are against job creation and the raising up of the 99% (something they pride themselves on as far as I have seen).

I keep playing with the scope of the Trust. I thought about a political one at one time, then a litigious one at one time. But now with all articles about gunshops and gun companies having their credit lines pulled. I think the first thing it should do is focus on creating investment vehicles where credit is extended to gun companies and gun shops at low interest rates (a nice big middle finger to the financial sector for abandoning gun shops).

Essentially if you wanted to become a "beneficiary" of the Trust you would put in as little as twelve dollars a year. Six dollars would be ear marked for a general fund that would be managed as a Corporate Trust (they're complicated but I've set up a few for individuals, joint ventures, partnerships, etc.) so there would be a strong chance of eventually recouping the initial investment plus some (payments out would not occur till the beneficiary was entitled to at least $50 in beneficiary payments).

The other six dollars would be ear marked for the lending fund. All borrowers would have to pay two percent interest per anum plus an automatic two percent interest on their borrowed funds (so there is a reason for them to be making quarterly payments after having borrowed the money for six months, so if they pay it back quickly a profit is still realized) on their borrowed funds (this is dirt frigging cheap so only the most stable and longest running gun shops and gun companies would be the first borrowers).

After a while though there would be some work on business investment and business start up lending. Think startup capital for folks wanting to enter the ammunition production (or remanufacture) arena. What I've drafted up so far in those circumstances though would give the Trust some ownership and participation rights, but I'm still playing with it some and will be for a good bit.

In essence we keep long running profitable gun shop and gun companies running with backed lines of credit that stay open and in return we potentially net a small investment on return. The Trust wouldn't be a charity but it wouldn't be heavily profit driven. Money (capital) is a weapon to be wielded. Bloomberg has proven that. We need to organize to blunt efforts like his and counter attack ourselves.

With all that said I leaning towards a name that isn't so gun heavy and is instead more mass public friendly. There will of course be a number of pages and a forum dedicated to the gun side but the bigger the bucket the more traffic there will be that is driven to the site. And that could mean more and more potential members. And more and more Pay Per Click revenues to drive both trusts and their missions. Put RKBA up next to job creation and you start to lose the image of gun nut as I see it, especially if the job creation Trust is dedicated to paying folks more than minimum wage, providing health insurance to part time workers, and actual retirement plans as opposed to 401Ks.

My latest thought is something along the lines of American Rights Advancement.
A website name

Is like picking out a favorite car..very personal..

I did a search on one you might like (available)



when you get a website, you want to avoid - or _

So then you could have SASL.COM

Second Amendment Savings and Loan (SASL)

I tried some others...but as you may well know, people have cornered the market on URL names...even if not used, they grab them so you would BUY them ...

I like your idea..
Trusts are tricky business; you run into anti-trust rules very easily with certain types of behavior. When I hear "dirt cheap" as part of any financial scheme, I think immediately that it is either illegal, or has been barred as an option out of 'fairness' by powerful lobby interests decades ago. When I hear you say, up front, you intend this to be an arrangement by a whole mess of people to collude and tie up an entire segment of the economy so as to obtain free-er credit and lower prices, while protecting their budding monopoly with a lobbying arm, I find it hard to believe such an organization would be tolerated (so long as it is not a union, which, luck would have it, were the earliest targets of establishment anti-trust efforts until they got in bed with each other;))

"I think the first thing it should do is focus on creating investment vehicles where credit is extended to gun companies and gun shops at low interest rates (a nice big middle finger to the financial sector for abandoning gun shops)."
Point that finger at the administration that forces them, by law, with a gun, to undergo extra regulation and audit scrutiny for doing business with gun stores. That's your man. Business knows full well what a killing gun companies are making, and how difficult they find it to find capital to borrow to ramp up production (we'd been wondering why new ammo production lines/equipment/facilities weren't going up; now we know. The ammo companies are darn near having to operate like privately-held firms of old which rounded up all the cash they needed before making the investment in the business. Monumentally inefficient and scale-limiting)

In short, it sounds like you are trying to marry a political action committee and a banking establishment --and I just find it incredibly hard to believe the SEC wouldn't require the two to be broken up into two affiliated but legally-distinct operations for tax purposes (if nothing else). I think you need an experienced national-level banking lawyer and seasoned banking lobbyist with connections on your payroll helping you develop this plan, at the very least (hopefully there're a couple on the forum here)

"I tried some others...but as you may well know, people have cornered the market on URL names..."

So? Pay them, then. Unless you are trying to free up something in high demand like "Hillary16.com" or something, I doubt they'd ask a king's ransom for "SecondAmendmentSavingsandLoan.org" (which is a very good name, btw ;)). "Guns and Butter" might be a little too esoteric for today's fiscally-challenged Americans, and would probably scare dummies that don't get the reference. And you can always use the old-school bank name tactic of "Xth Bank of Elsewhere" (11052nd SAS&L :D:D)

LOL....Glad you liked the name

It was also a subtle message for SAVING the second amendment (second amendment savings...oh and we do loans too...) lol
Ok, after a little more review of the intent :

In short, it sounds like you are trying to marry a political action committee and a banking establishment --and I just find it incredibly hard to believe the SEC wouldn't require the two to be broken up into two affiliated but legally-distinct operations for tax purposes (if nothing else). I think you need an experienced national-level banking lawyer and seasoned banking lobbyist with connections on your payroll helping you develop this plan, at the very least (hopefully there're a couple on the forum here)

Beautiful, excellent advice.
A word of caution on searching URLs. When I was setting up my website I had a great name picked out so I searched it on Yahoo. The search results came back as address does not exist, do you want to buy this domain? I wasn't ready to buy so I just exited. A week later I was ready so I went to the Domain Registry and golly gee, some weasel down in Florida registered my domain three days after my search. He owns hundreds of them. Apparently he has a way of finding out when someone searches for a domain and if they don't register it he does. Then when you call him he gives you a big song and dance about how much work he has put into the site and will sell it to you.....for a couple thousand dollars! Be careful, don't search until you are ready to buy.
So, you're asking for a clever URL name for your trust that, while being run for free by volunteers, will create jobs, save the firearms industry, provide financial services, file law suits, support political candidates, provide guns for the poor, and still provide dividends for the 20 million people you plan to sign up for only $1 a month?

Have you considered www.gunponzischeme.com? :neener:

It seems to me that choosing a URL is the least of your concerns. Good luck!
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