Quality, Non-Cargo Pants for Pocket Carry??

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Resist Evil

Apr 19, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
With apologies to the Grim Peeper and his thread about the best jeans for carry found here, I would like to expand the idea of his thread a little more broadly.

I am 58 yrs, 6ft, 200 lbs. I've carried a pistol since 1974. I have very good pistols, holsters, and belts, so I don't need advice regarding those items. I have primarily worn jeans all of my walking life.

Since foreigners of small stature have taken over clothing manufacturing for the US consumer, it is difficult to find pants that remotely fit AND have pockets large enough and deep enough to handle a pocket pistol carried in a pocket holster.

My question is--what brand of pant, jeans or not, has consistently given you fit and pocket capacity for pocket carry?

The parameters to assume is that the pocket pistol would be either a J-frame revolver or one of the skinny nines a la PF-9 in a pocket holster. The pant style would include jean style or some form of vertical pocket pant style. I am not interested in cargo pants. Finally, please suggest pants that are not the high-priced specialty pants that cost $80-$100 a pair like Blackie Collins, ccwbreakaways, et al.

Thank you to all who might take the time to respond.
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Most any carpenter style jeans will have slant cut pockets which IMO are required for pocket carry. The pockets are also usually deep enough to easily carry a j-frame. I've got two pairs of Dungarees and one pair or either Lee or Levis, I'll have to check when I get home.
I know your dilemma!

I find that Levi's 557 are pretty good for this. They are loose enough for the gun not to print, but still do not enter the neighborhood of those horrible saggy baggy things the kids wear. I am a fairly big guy 6'1' 220lbs, and I tend to dress in jeans, boots and nice shirts. I don't look like slouch and my Bersa 380 CC hides out in my pocket just fine.

Good luck finding 557 in the holy mess of styles Levi's produces now days!
What I have found on jeans is that the relaxed fit jeans offer enough room and pocket depth to work.
In fact a couple of years ago I bought a couple pairs of Sam's MemberMark relaxed fit specifically to hunt in and liked the looser fit and deeper storage of the pockets.
However if your even in decent physical condition your wife or girlfriend may not like them as they do look frumpy as my girlfriend says but they are comfortable.
Hey for under $20.00 give a pair a try.
Relaxed fit jeans is where I'm at these days, but finding a brand of jeans or other style of pants with consistent fit and man-sized pockets is the deal.

Right now I am wearing jeans by Carhartt, Kirkland, Duluth Trading, and oddly, 5.11. All of the pocket depths are vastly different, with only Duluth having pockets satisfyingly deep. But Duluth was also the most expensive.
I figured there are thousands of men on this forum board who wear pants and as a guy among many, I thought there ought to be hundreds who pocket carry and have found a style/brand that works consistently well.

I use a S&W 342 when I pocket carry and I get worried sometimes that it, in its Desantis Nemesis holster, looks like some kind of odd growth on my leg. My first carry pistol was a snub-nosed Miroku (!?) .38spl that I bought around 1972-73. I've been carrying awhile, but those dern ferriners have boogered up pocket carry!

I don't get out much to go shopping, so I am glad some of you have answered.
I'm not a "big" guy but have you looked at Carhartt work pants?

Link: http://www.carhartt.com/webapp/wcs/...51&catalogId=10101&langId=-1&categoryId=10931

Edit: I see that Resist Evil feels the pockets are not deep enough on the Carhartt pants. They have several styles. I believe the dungaree style has the deepest pockets, IIRC.

If money is no object, check out Filson. L.L. Bean might be another option that's less expensive than Filson.
In addition to the slash-cut front pockets, which I believe are deeper than the traditional jean-style front pockets, they have a fuller seat and thigh area.
The pair I mentioned earlier are Levis "loose fit straight leg." I didn't see a number on them. They are my favorites.
I wear Woolrich Elite brand khaki's nearly every day (wearing a pair right now, in fact). They're durable, good looking (IMO of course), have tons of pocket room, and don't scream "tactical" as loudly as a pair of 5.11's. Most importantly for your needs, I find that they have plenty of room for a small pocket pistol - you're not going to pocket a Glock 26, but I've carried my Kahr P380 in a Desantis Superfly without issue.

Look, they're even on sale:



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