Question about Marine Corps sidearm

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Jul 9, 2006
Has the US Marine Corps in recent years ever had any model S&W in their inventory? I ask because I met someone who said he had served in that branch of the military and was issued a S&W sidearm. I had never heard that before and thought the Marines used the M9.
The US Military retained the S&W Model 10 in reserve stocks well into the 90's. Depending on your friend's time in service and duty station it is not inconceivable. Some of the old timers in my Air Guard unit easily remember Security Forces personnel carrying Model 10s on stateside duty into the mid 80's.
Has the US Marine Corps in recent years ever had any model S&W in their inventory?....
I guess it depends upon how you define "in recent years". My active duty was 1971-2001; during that time I saw MPs, Marine Security Guards (embassy security), and aircrew (mostly pilots) armed with 4" S&W revolvers. Some shooting team folks had S&W Model 41s.
Semper Fi,
This fellow said he served in both Iraq and Afghanistan so I am guessing he was in the service in the last 10-12 years. I was under the impression that he was referring to a semiauto while talking about a sidearm but I am now uncertain.
First thing, determine if the guy is really a Marine. I've met so many phony Marines who claimed to have been in Vietnam that I've removed the foil from my truck.
The M-9 is the official military issue sidearm for all branches of the military. But almost all branches of the military have units that have funds to spend as they wish. It is not uncommon for them to use non-standard firearms on a limited basis.

If he served in the middle east recently it is also common for soldiers to use guns they find, or pick up, especially handguns. They are not allowed to bring them home and they are given to someone else when thier deployment is over. This may not be by the book, but many officers look the other way and allow it. This could be the case here. I've several friends and 1 relative who did this druing their time over there. Seen photos of US soldiers with almost every imaginable handgun on them.
I had never heard that before and thought the Marines used the M9.
The standard sidearm for most marines is still the M9. Some special units carry a variety of 1911 based sidearms to include S&W, Springfield and Kimber and most recently made a purchase of some 5000 Colts.
Some guys that were embedded with Iraqi police while I was in Iraq carried S&W Sigmas. I saw other dudes in Afghanistan carrying other side arms but I couldn't tell what they had.
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