Question about Sears 6C rifle

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Mar 16, 2006
Today I bought an inexpensive treasure, for $70 plus tax, I got a pretty darn nice Sears Model 6C semi-auto rifle. It is clearly marked as Made in Canada. I started to research it on the internet and found out that it was made by a company in Canada bought by Olin in 1961. The gun is the same as the Winchester Cooey Model 64B. So, I found out quite a bit about the Cooey company, etc. However, one question is unanswered. There is a code put on the barrel near the wood near the receiver area. It is similar to the Marlin company 2 letter codes but this is not a Marlin product. The code is HO. I assume this is some sort of date of manufacture code. Can someone break this code. It is essentially a Winchester product. I have not found any kind of cheat sheet for codes like this on Winchester products. Help me out please. Thank you in advance. I have not yet picked up the rifle from the store but cursory examination reveals no serial number. It may or may not have one.
I believe it;s only a manufacturing control mark. Not a date code. By the way , the 6C were made both by Winchester ( Model 490 ) in the US and Cooey ( whom Winchester purchased, Cooey Model 64B & 64 )
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