Question For the WWII History Buff ???

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there are no disputes in Liberia or the Phillipines either as it happens - so there is no hard and fast rule as to how these things work.

in any case, i defy anyone to show me a reasoned argument as to why the Kurds shouldnt be rewarded with what they want.

Yes, former U.S. colonies have their problems too. That doesn't change the fact that the British model of partitioning has been woefully destabilizing, serving only to exacerbate and prolong strife.

That’s why we shouldn’t partition off a Kurdish nation. Ostensibly, we’re in Iraq to free the nation and stablize the region. Partition would destroy Iraq as a nation and add yet another layer of instability and strife to the region.

FWIW, I find it odd that you make the valid point that we can't impose democracy, yet suggest that we impose partitioning.

And BTW, I was more ribbing you than anything else by bringing "British" into it. ;)
FWIW, I find it odd that you make the valid point that we can't impose democracy, yet suggest that we impose partitioning.

Partitioning is the most sensible suggestion I've heard with regards to this issue. It's idiotic to believe you can throw three diverse ethnic groups together into one country and have them "play nice". If they have their own space and borders, those things can be agreed to and enforced if necessary.

As to why the Kurds will never have home: they are poor and don't have any political clout. They are basically the Arab equivalent of gypsies.
Partitioning is the most sensible suggestion I've heard with regards to this issue. It's idiotic to believe you can throw three diverse ethnic groups together into one country and have them "play nice". If they have their own space and borders, those things can be agreed to and enforced if necessary.
It sure sounds nice, and it sure sounded nice last century when the British partitioned India, Ireland and Transjordan. But, as I noted, it has been woefully destabilizing, exacerbating and prolonging strife. The strife that exists today simply will have another layer based on the perception by some or all parties that they are victims of something illegitimate imposed by an outside power.
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