question on magazine limits

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Jan 27, 2007
Monrovia, CA
While cleaning out my parents garage over the weekend i found something i thought i lost years ago. Its a box that i had some spare magazines for my marlin 700. Inside the box is one stock 7round clip. Oh the marlin is a .22lr rifle. Along with the stock clip are 3 15 round banana clips Marlin part number 407746.

Now my question are these still legal to use in the state of california. I think i read somewhere that any clip that holds more than 10 rounds is now illegal. i purchased these clips back around 1990 i believe from big 5. Im not even to sure if you can still get these magazines. It would sure be nice to have some new ones as they are only made out of plastic. However i remember when i used to use them. Wow they were fun. Not really for rapid fire but to not have to worry about reloading after 7 rounds was great. Any how any info that any one has would greatly be appreciated. Same time does any one know if these magazines can still be found anywhere?

here are some pics
marlin.jpg marlin3.jpg
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I believe in California you have to have owned them before the Assault Weapons ban passed.

You arent getting many answers because it is Easter Sunday. But I am sure someone will chime in with answers soon.
Condition Plaid has it right. If they were in state before 2000, they're fine to own and use.

You can't transfer them in-state - no selling or giving or lending. Penal Code:
12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or in the state prison:
(1) ...
(2) Commencing January 1, 2000, manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives, or lends, any large-capacity magazine.
(b) Subdivision (a) does not apply to any of the following:
(22) The loan of a lawfully possessed large-capacity magazine between two individuals if all of the following conditions are met:
(A) The person being loaned the large-capacity magazine is not prohibited by Section 12021, 12021.1, or 12101 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code from possessing firearms or ammunition.
(B) The loan of the large-capacity magazine occurs at a place or location where the possession of the large-capacity magazine is not otherwise prohibited and the person who lends the large-capacity magazine remains in the accessible vicinity of the person to whom the large-capacity magazine is loaned.
(23) The importation of a large-capacity magazine by a person who lawfully possessed the large-capacity magazine in the state prior to January 1, 2000, lawfully took it out of the state, and is returning to the state with the large-capacity magazine previously lawfully
possessed in the state.
Double check with your local lawmakers and the district attorney.

Isn't that depressing that gun laws are so convoluted and stupid that this is the solution to the question, and even worse that the question had to be asked in the first place?
ok next question. In talking with everyone it seems as i am fine. As i did purchase these in 1990. In fact when i purchased the rifle one of the magazines i purchased with it. This is on the reciept. WHICH I HAVE. So i have proof that i purchased them what 10 years before the ban. So legally i am safe. Now the next question. Taking these to the range. I here they still will not let me shot them and will tell me they are illegal. Which is true if they were purchased after 2000. So how can i take them to the range with out getting any hastle. Is there a permit or a form that needs to be filled out to say yes i have them and i want to use them. I was thinking on taking a photo copy with me to the range. However im pretty sure the guys at the range wont even know the laws them selves
Isn't that depressing that gun laws are so convoluted and stupid that this is the solution to the question, and even worse that the question had to be asked in the first place?

Very much so! Makes criminals out of people that just want to be prepared to protect their families.
scrat said:
ok next question. In talking with everyone it seems as i am fine. As i did purchase these in 1990. In fact when i purchased the rifle one of the magazines i purchased with it. This is on the reciept. WHICH I HAVE. So i have proof that i purchased them what 10 years before the ban. So legally i am safe. Now the next question. Taking these to the range. I here they still will not let me shot them and will tell me they are illegal. Which is true if they were purchased after 2000. So how can i take them to the range with out getting any hastle. Is there a permit or a form that needs to be filled out to say yes i have them and i want to use them. I was thinking on taking a photo copy with me to the range. However im pretty sure the guys at the range wont even know the laws them selves

You are totally legal. You don't have to prove anything. If anyone hassles you at the range, just say, "I owned them before the ban," and go back to shooting. Lots of people owned these before the ban and still own them. It is quite uncommon for them to be hassled, and you don't seem particularly young if you bought this back in 1990, so I wouldn't worry. I've never heard of a range having a ban on >10 round mags. Frankly, if any range prohibits it, let me know or post about it on and they will rip the range a new one.

I believe the only public land usage restrictions are on the firearms themselves, not the magazines, so they is no worry there, either, since you would be using a rimfire firearm.
a lot of good info. i think im going to get a copy of the reciept and take them to the range for sure.
Wait a second, so what do you do if you want to give up the mags/rifle ? Is this one of those 'surrender to the police' things? (much like Columbus' old law was)
Wait a second, so what do you do if you want to give up the mags/rifle ? Is this one of those 'surrender to the police' things? (much like Columbus' old law was)
Rifle, no problem. Mags, take them out of state, sell them out of state, or sell them on-line prominently marked NOT FOR SALE TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS. If you can find someplace that will handle that for you - gunbroker, maybe.
So basically if every 'AW' owner in CA died tomorrow all 'AW' mags would have to leave the state?

:( what happened to my home state since I've been gone ?
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